Ellen Degeneres With a Neckbea

I wish TWD was the zombie schlock Romero thinks it is. Dawn of the Dead is one of my favorite horror movies and it's much smarter than most but let's face it, it's not a "message" movie.

Your pun was way too tenebrous.

Internet assholes love ruining useful terms, but Rey is pretty close to the original definition of "Mary Sue". I loved The Force Awakens, but some of the tension is reduced when the protagonist immediately excels at everything. That said, I am a sexist.

That's why I only watch movies made by convicted rapists. No unpleasant surprises thereā€¦

In that case you're not being particularly fair to the original commenter, especially since those were all strong contenders. Might as well say the same thing to anyone who likes any recent horror film.

If we're going with "past ten years" instead of "this decade", Drag Me to Hell is definitely one of my favorites, along with Pontypool, which is not just a horror classic, but a classic, period.

I get all these ghost movies mixed up, but is that the one where Patrick Wilson engages in fisticuffs with demons?

Something like slut-shaming would be far easier to argue as an example of horror misogyny because, as Mr. Friendless Fedora so reasonably points out, there are plenty of counterexamples of male cinematic Cassandras:

This secular war on Predator is really getting out of hand.

Watched the director's cut of Nightbreed and I must say it doesn't significantly improve on the theatrical cut. Character development is still sparse, plot points are glossed over, and the unrelenting pace makes it difficult to become fully engaged with anything that's happening.

"For my money these are quite possibly the best practical effects ever committed to screen. The operating table scene into spider-head sequence alone is unbelievably grotesque, fantastic and real looking all at once." not good enough?

Maybe that obsessive commenter from the recent DeGrasse interview, working hard to expose him as a fraud who once misquoted Bush.

Dumb question, but do most slashers even count as horror? They often fall into suspense/thriller territory.

I remember initially being disappointed this was PG, but I was pleasantly surprised by the end of it - not by the twist, but how creepy the movie was.

And hold the testicle.

More and more people are searching for pizza-related porn online

And now that I know it's a Twitter company, it makes sense, because shortening stuff is their thin

At the risk of sounding even more racist than usual, each Vine I've seen (is that the right parlance?) was about black people being silly. Twitter doesn't care about black people?

It's about Herzog watching the latest Dan Brown adaptation. "The most banal film experience you could imagine, made for mentally challenged masses who lack any sense of curiosity about the world."

Chapter I