Ellen Degeneres With a Neckbea

Yeah, yeah, just carcassplain it.

The most ridiculous example of related lookalikes in a movie was Charlie Sheen being in a prison with Martin Sheen as a warden. The whole movie was about their relationship!

It's amusing to me thay we got six spoiler warnings about the appearance of something called Dormammu. Dormammu is in the movie? The Dormammu?

Now that I've been thoroughly proven wrong, I'll edit my initial comment and you'll all look silly.

I think it's too early to say, same as with Star Wars, but point taken.

I meant post-MCU, but point taken.

I always thought it was the worst until I rewatched it a few years ago and discovered it was the worst, but it had a cool theme song:

I could have sworn it already flopped and they completely scrapped the shared universe idea.

Since the auteur Tim Miller quit over studio interference, maybe that hack Tarantino could jump in?

How is this the first I've heard of this show. Then again, I probably wouldn't have clicked on the article if I didn't see Abigail Spencer in SS uniform on the home page.

"I could watch a whole movie of them taking a 90-minute drive."

Hey, don't blame me, I stopped watching five years ago.

…but it was the first painting. We think.

Not sure if I care for two nerds talking about nerd things as a framing device, but this was pretty good. The animated panel about energy bars is probably the first time I laughed out loud at the comics page.

No '80s sci-fi action flicks?

Citation needed

Also, PureFlix? There's something incredibly sleazy-sounding about that name. It's this close to being an adult film company.

Screw this, when's the next Neil Breen episode of Best of the Worst, Landis. When.

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