Ellen Degeneres With a Neckbea

45 years being the time that passed between each.

The V/H/S and its sequel also had an unusual disparity in their respective critical receptions, but nowhere near this big. I think part of it is the anthology aspect. It can happen when you get a completely different cast and crew for your sequel, and you're not obligated to continue the same story (I assume that's

Is this where I make the joke about Samsung wanting to burn your house down?

I've been describing the scene to people in those exact words for years!

Are you by any chance a millennial?

Oh. It's Hush, not Mute. That's why I've had trouble googling it recently. Fun home-invasion flick.

Yeah, it's a perfect lazy Sunday afternoon movie. It's a shame this one is apparently just a lazy movie.

I saw it in my early teens and found it slow, but for some reason it stuck with me. I've never rewatched it but I remember a lot of major scenes and plot details. Antonioni is one of my big cinematic blindspots so I should probably give it another watch sometime.

I would love to get a glimpse into the news cycle from the alternate dimension where Johnson wins more than I would from the Trump one. At least Gary's cluelessness and ineptitude are kind of funny.

Even though I'm kind of a horror buff, I've never seen House of… or The Devil's Rejects, mostly because their fanbase seemed to consist of the same people who were crazy about The Boondock Saints. I did see the dreadful Halloween remake and Lords of Salem (which I kind of enjoyed).

Yeah, it's strange that this review isn't bringing in more traffic. Where are all the first-time commenters who seem to hate leotards for some reason?

Something something I want to play this game too but I don't understand it…

Or send adult Churchill, no one will be able to tell the difference.


The Rock singing Christmas songs, you say? I'm in!

If this is anything like other modern action flicks, it's also max orange and max teal.

What are we steeling?

True, but that doesn't mean it's right to obsess about his looks.

I did and everything you said is correct. It doesn't make all the "he's so adorable" comments any less obnoxious. Would those comments be okay if he were an attractive woman instead?