Ellen Degeneres With a Neckbea

I think the humorous aspect is the key. and "ghosts that aren't Pokemon ghosts don't exist" part probably qualifies. I'm not a big expert on Pokemon lore, though.

It juxtaposes a piece of intellectual property aimed at children with darker, adult implications of the universe it's set in, aiming for humorous results. Just like almost every single comic we've seen in this column. I don't think it'll get many lawsuits.

How did you see The Accountant already?

So dumb. But kinda fun. That's all I can say about it.

It was cliched and entirely predictable, but also the exact movie I was hoping it would be. Just great fun, and refreshingly for a modern western, played almost completely straight.

I thought you were going with the ole' The A.V. Club.

"One Tweet That Perfectly Sums Up The President's Reaction To Dearborn"

The speechwriter was profiled because of the color of his skin. LOL?

Bush Sr. and Jimmy Carter fighting for the top spot in 2016? Now that is a show I want to watch.

Ah, the old "a guy who worked for Obama in real life plays the president's speechwriter" hokey cliche!

I think she'll become his rival, but not the main villain. That honor will perhaps go to the survivor they found at the end of the episode, and he has probably googled Kirkman before.

Not to agree with Manimal here, but there is little difference between giving at an A or an F if you haven't seen it.

His name is Robert Paulson.

Well, the good folks over at /r/the_donald have an exact scientific method for determining the winner:

The two movies probably made less money than expected (especially BvS), but they were still big, and I haven't seen anyone here make the claim that they were flops, so his intended debate is unlikely to get any traction here. But I see your point.

I don't know if it really beats either of those adjusted for inflation, but why is the comparison relevant? Can't we just all get along, Manny? I'm sure both universes have their strengths and weaknesses. Surely I can like both the MCU films and, like, 3 DC films?

When was the last time a movie or a TV show didn't have that twist whenever there's a mystery of who's behind a terrorist attack on U.S. soil? Leading up to a revelation where old white politicians collude with big corporations and small-time mercenaries in order to further their capitalist goals is practically muscle

God help me, I read all that. Fascinating stuff!

Since the latest Chrome update, I've become an Alt+Right guy myself. Also Alt+Left. Pretty convenient stuff.

Wait, who's the nut case in this situation? I love nuts, especially legumes, but I don't see what their Saltiness has to do with anything.