Ellen Degeneres With a Neckbea

Even Liam Neeson sheds varying levels of tears for his dead/kidnapped family members. Statham just Stathams his way through every movie, for better or for worse. Mechanic? I'm not even joking, it took me until the last paragraph of the review to realize that's not the same thing as Transporter.

This is the line, but I may have misread it:

Don't know about the books, but I remember him mentioning it in one of the early episodes.

There was that one guy who always made a list of the worst/funniest things that happened that week, and it was one of the best things in the TV Club comment section. I think the guy was actually a published author or something.

"You should make a tabweau from all that chopped wood."

Or him being bisexual, because ew.

I think everybody is going to start using spoiler tags now, except for when they're actually necessary.

A more apt title for the show would have been something like "Breaking Bad" or "Making a Murderer". Are those already taken?

Yeah, we can nitpick all we want, but this is the first one (from the ones I've clicked on) that did anything remotely clever with the premise. The artists were definitely hobbled by the A.V. Club's insistence on pop-culture subversion, and most (from the ones I've seen) went for the obvious, low-hanging fruit. I

I'm sure it's a drag seeing stuff you dislike. I know I'd hate being forced to watch and review, say, found footage horror movies, and I'd probably always just harp on how the genre has fundamental, irreparable flaws.

Getting your message out to more people is surely a worthy goal. It's also a lot easier to memorize things when they're presented in a visual way.

What about all the other points in my last paragraph?

Is that specific subset of moviegoers really the intended audience, though? I would call myself a movie nerd, yet when I'm watching Children of Men, that True Detective scene, or the opening scene of Snake Eyes, I'm engaged in what's going on without being particularly concerned with the technical challenges. Like any

I really do.

We all have our hang-ups, and I know you probably can't always choose what to review, but if you have a fundamental problem with a genre such as investigative documentary, you should probably try to avoid reviewing them. The vast majority of potential audience for Zero Days doesn't get much out a review that thinks

Where is Dexter Jettster's fifties cafe, Hollywood? Fershame.

Lettuce not nitpick.

I recently watched his cave paintings doc, Cave of Forgotten Dreams, and I thought I'd share a weird moment: Herzog makes a joke about prehistoric Venus figurines and Baywatch, but his delivery is so Herzogian that it didn't even register as a joke at first. For a moment I thought, huh, there's some area called

Its Rotten Tomatoes score is much closer to what I expected. If this isn't a resounding flop, I will eat my galea. Have no idea what Paramount was thinking, but judging by the trailers this should have been a January dumping ground movie, not an August release.

Can it be two things? I'm not sure.