Ellen Degeneres With a Neckbea

This is the first time I've clicked on the site (I always assumed it was some obnoxious hipster crap (after all, Slate gushed about it)), but that was pretty hilarious.

I've said this before, but allegations made in anonymous disqus comments should not be news.

I can think of at least three different things wrong with this. But it's no "shut down Rotten Tomatoes", so at least it's got that going for it.

Pretty much. I thought the first season was fine but I found my interest steadily declining throughout, and the finale did not exactly leave me wanting more. Nothing bad about it really, I just don't feel particularly motivated to give this season a watch.

That's fine, and so is hating on the soundtrack, but I'm surprised there is so little humor in the article. "Bastardization" and "egregious" aren't exactly biting snark, although I'm sure the movie didn't really deserve better.

Tilda Swinton for Chiun!

Eh, I liked the first season of Black Sails, and watched the second season. He's not involved in any creative capacity. My bigger worry is Krasinski, who is no Baldwin/Ford/Affleck/Pine. Baldwin/Ford/Affleck/Pine was really an iconic performance that will be hard to live up to.

If you look at the original comment section, it looks like all the comments were made by a single person's multiple sock puppet accounts. The allegations may very well be true, but you should not report on them.

Actually this is just a rumor based on a few anonymous comments that no respectable outlet should report before further developments, and especially not lead with a headline like this.

I think that even if he's found not guilty in two weeks' time, he's already become a "convict".

Stone's eczema is totally coming back with a vengeance, both because I doubt the writers want to implicitly support Chinese traditional medicine, and because the whole story is probably leading up to the revelation that there's no real remedy for either Stone or Naz.

For all the creators' chest-beating about the show being nothing like Law and Order, the investigation scenes in this episode played out exactly like a typical crime procedural. Potential serial killer with a Biblical theme! Greedy stepfather! Actor you know from somewhere appearing for two minutes!

It's the "good times" part that's exaggerated, obviously.

Essentially, we should blame Jimmy Carter.

After watching BvS I was wondering (no pun intended) if I was nuts, or if everyone else was way off mark about her performance. I think she was pretty awful, and sounded like she doesn't speak the language so she had to learn her lines phonetically.

I just rewatched it yesterday and it's one of the best moments in the movie.

I'm sure the movie is probably going to be a mess, but the letter is bullshit no matter how you cut it, and it shouldn't be given so much attention by the media. Admittedly, neither should Patty Jenkins' tweets.

Did you see the play? How do you know this stuff? How familiar are you with the industry and genre?