Ellen Degeneres With a Neckbea

Okay, so who are all these new commenters and what's their beef with leotards?

I think you might have posted under the wrong article. This is the Lego Batman trailer, and it's great.

It's also the first one where you get a sense of the ensemble, and where Spock is not an asshole who always looks like he's barely repressing rage. The ensemble aspect is really driven home in the final monologue, where all the main players say a line.

I'm somewhat embarrassed to admit it was my favorite moment in the movie. Lin's shaky, overly dark* direction was much weaker than Abrams', but that was such a badass, fist-pumping scene.

And X-Men movies for the phallic imagery. Magneto's purple helmet, anyone?

I wouldn't know. But I may have misjudged you because, at the very least, you seem to be responding, so that's a plus.

How often does the situation that @wykstrad:disqus describes occur in real life? Yet it appears all the time in movies and TV, this show included. I don't think Stranger Things offers a fresh or nuanced take on the issue.

Yeah, it made sense in the context, but my point was that it's a cheap, lazy way to get a character from point A to point B and giving him some ostensible grit, all the while supporting popular culture's love affair with torture.

This is a good point, I feel like the characters in the new movies are forced into roles and relationships that don't seem to fit them organically. Kirk's and Spock's friendship is always stated rather than shown.

The Rock would do what?

"3. In the case of STiD there was…"

— the name of Mr D'Souza's next movie

"Goes where the decades-old Star Trek franchise has gone many times before", raves Vishnevetsky.

Wait, is this that thing where a random disqus account owner somehow stumbles into a comment section, says something controversial and unsupported by evidence, which everyone then thoroughly debunks. but the person never follows up the original comment, and then everyone who replied realizes they've been duped because

Where's the Star Trek review? You could even say I'm pining for it. Wouldn't have pegged it as good. Something about Quinto.

Disappointed that yet another piece of media portrays torture as an effective technique in obtaining information. I know sheriff isn't supposed to be perfect, but he is a main character and surely they could have come up with a cleverer way for him to find stuff out without punching it out of people.

Oooh, yeah, I liked that one. Most of the movie was surprisingly decent, but that story was great.

Is that the correct use of "nonplussed"? I suppose it could go both ways in the context, it's so misused at this point that writers should probably avoid it for the sake of clarity.

I'm disappointed the pilot focused so much on McBride and left Goggins mostly on the sidelines. Hopefully they'll rectify that in the coming weeks. That man is damn charming!

Virtue duly acknowledged.