
I'm just happy to see this episode got an A. So many perfect moments, it's just an all around fantastic episode. I've enjoyed being able to rehash these great seasons. I'll miss the classic recaps.

Michael leaving (minus bringing in DeAngelo) was solid. And I really liked the whole Jim/Pam tension in season 9, even if AthLead was conceptually absurd.

I agree with you 100%. I also fall asleep to tv on netflix a lot and the theme at the end of episodes of season 4+ always wakes me up so it annoys me on a different level.

I always felt David was pretty much a stand up guy throughout. He only sort of became a dick when he brought in Charles, and started giving Michael more shit. He just went off the rails entirely when he got fired, but up until then, even through the MSPC arc, he was a very decent dude.

I've tried, I just can't narrow it to 10. I'll say I love every episode everyone here has listed and agree it should be included in a "best of" list.

Anne and Karen were practically the same characters anyway.

It's not really that many new characters in Season 9 - they introduce 2 new guys in E1 and the rest of the unfamiliar faces from season 8 aren't really key.

Season 8, really, is not very good especially when compared to earlier seasons of The Office AND the other NBC shows airing some of their best seasons at the same time (P&R S4, 30 Rock S6, Community S3). It's the worst of the 4 big NBC shows at that time which I really think created a pile on of criticism at the

The Deposition is cringeworthy, but also heartbreaking and redeeming, as Michael folds on Jan in the end to side with David. Yes, because Jan sold him out, but more so because David called him a "nice guy."

I loved Niagra for one thing, the Michael Scott speech during the rehearsal dinner that ends with "you can't expect them to be careful every time, because frankly it's just a different sensation when you cum". They pan the camera, and his inflection goes up - but they snuck that one by the censors and it still kills

Charles Miner -> Michael Scott Paper Company?

Seriously. I'm an Office die hard but even so, S4 was the last amazing season start to finish. Season 5 was the first where I started to have some real issues week to week, especially when it first aired.

"Beer me dos long island ice teas"

I also love his Jim hair, like Michael tried to pull off in an earlier episode - The Secret I think.

it did appear to be consensual

One of my favorite Ryan moments.

The impetus for this, the # he used, seems a lot like in Clerks 2, when Randall says "porchmonkey" not getting it's a racial slur, then instead of not using it or saying "whoops, sorry" decides to reclaim it.

Yeah, this is where I see a bit of blame on both sides. We still don't know what she said to him. For all we know it's entrapment. He should have been smarter, not said exactly what he said, but we don't know she's blameless. If there's a winner in this, it's her. I'm sure that post got more clicks than

Her bio says she has "an intense love for manatees". I laughed a little too hard at that.

I've never heard of low fat government cheese