
I thought Natalie Portman was the original Manic Pixie Dream Girl? The article linked references her in Garden State while applying the term to Dunst.

I'm late to the party and still have the last two episodes to go, but I definitely did not read it as jealousy. I read it as pure hatred toward Waterford for all of the horrible shit he is, and sort of "now this, again!!!".

I feel like when I think of those people, their cumulative #1 favorite band was/is (forever) Sublime.

Wish I saw this earlier - Happiness was just fantastic. I always forget about Spiritual Machines but it had some solid tunes I always forget about because the whole "concept" jumps to mind first. I didn't go back after Gravity, honestly I thought they broke up after that one.

Naveed had something interesting going on, but Clumsy did a lot wrong (as a rule I hate any song that mentions Superman with the lone exception for the Flaming Lips). I honestly thought the next album Happiness… was fantastic for what they were going for. It was straight ahead rock and it worked.

I mean, at least Edwin McCain isn't from a place that's sort of like Nashville, with a tan.

Throwing Copper is definitely one of the albums where yeah, I'd apologize for any song that uses "placenta" in they lyrics. But there are some songs that are great examples of what the radio did right in that time, and plus there's Pillar of Davidson which I have no fucking clue what it's about, but I like the dude's

And the Lakini's Juice video, if I recall, I enjoyed in my early teenage years.

I also always like the Incubus album that came out that year. It skews too nu-metal for me looking back but they were clearly trying to figure out where they fit and Anti Gravity Love Song is a treasure.

I was really into Primus for a year or so, but Frizzle Fry is the only album I could really defend then and only one I'd think about defending now.

I haven't read any of the Dark Tower series, but I have read Hearts in Atlantis, so maybe I've read some of the Dark Tower series? If someone would like to explain I'm happy to let you.

See: Ryan Adams. Heartbreaker - 9.0. Gold ? Demolition - 5.5. Rock N Roll - 2.9 Love is Hell 3.1

Vampire Weekend, Interpol, Passion Pit come to mind. Lorde more recently. Broken Social Scene sorta retroactively - their second album was BNN but P4k didn't review Feel Good Lost until a year after. Then their s/t was BNN. I feel like they'll back the same horse twice. A lot of bands do have a sophomore slump

I've stopped part way through a lot of music this month and just gone back to Hug of Thunder.

I still love Inception and think overall it's fantastic. I think it's nice there's a pretty clear way to look at the movie most people agree upon, and it's based on what is explained within the logic of the movie. Neil Degrasse Tyson made a video explaining the end of Interstellar and I'm still confused. Something

Maybe it shouldn't bother me as much as it does, but I really hope next year whoever does these recaps can understand that "Jennings" is their last name, so when talking about more than one of them, it should be "the Jenningses" - saying "the Jennings" refers to a single person. It's constant and maddening reading

Jonah re: no Heaven -
"Wait, Shawnee, how am I gonna see my dog again?"

yeah i was wrong

I can't be the only one who associates Sade with "let's get busy" music, right? I laughed harder than I should have at the exchange-
Madelaine: We should get this!
Ed: Oh, we have it.

Yeah, I missed that when watching but saw it noted. You are probably right, I was just being cheeky.