
Except Roy is not a at any point a cartoon. Andy has his moments, but he's more like the Kevin of P&R.

Yeah, it's when Pam is in art school, after she left Jim a drunk voicemail the night before, and Roy snidely comments something about how Jim was "just a friend" of hers. Cut to Jim in car driving to NYC before thankfully thinking better of it.

And another reason I love the office - that moment, already great a callback, makes you then wonder "how would he have fit 'chunky' into his already insane business speech?"

"they could be tracings!"

Such truly great adviceā€¦

^THIS +4798

As has been said many times, Karen > Pam

Thank you very much! It used to be on (oddly enough) NBC's website but when they took it down I lost track of it. Much appreciated.

I think that's the one ("Nooo!!") that had me laughing the hardest in the series.

I also love that a few episodes later (I forget which one exactly) you can see one of the post-its he used for Harvey's eye still on the back of the monitor.

"Maybe Yoy should bring 'Long Tim' in one day"


It is one of my all time favorite moments. The look of sheer terror on Ryan's face, his eyes screaming for help while Stanley just stares at his crossword. And that laughter in the car, they way they cut back to it and it's still going on. It's a perfect moment, a rare one in which we see Stanley happy/laughing.

I can give Back from Vacation a B+, I get it, but Traveling Salesmen is absolutely an A.

I've said it before and I'll say it again - the Pilot is a ripoff down the color of the jello Tim/Jim puts Garreth's/Dwight's stapler in.

In a Canadian bar called The Huntsman, no less. "How do you like THESE apples". A great moment. But his obliviousness to the Nagasaki/Noga-sake connection in a Japanese restaurant will always make me hang my head.

"The bloooooood and the inaaards."

Oh yeah that's absolutely what I mean! I 100% get the feeling that after the fact they just went and put that in. It still kills me everytime and I've probably seen the episode at least 10 times.

oh, and "But Dunder Mifflin Scranton is more skeptical of outsiders than anyone in Southwest Indiana" - yeah I'm pretty sure the new folks were skeptical of Scranton way more than vice versa and did you watch any of the episodes with the Eagleton merger? How can you say this?

It looks like Carrell ad-libbed that line the way he and Jim are both cracking up. Jim looking off camera basically crying as if to say "is this for real?". Just such a perfect moment. Benihana Christmas is fantastic.