
Yeah, Luda was amazing. Robbed for not getting a "Best Supporting Actor" nod for sure.

This is absolutely the answer for me. I may not have always agreed with the winning choice (looking at you Slumdog) but I've never so hated a movie as widely regarded as "good" as this one.

Dream House was largely absent in these comments.

Obsidian jumped out at me as the one I couldn't believe wasn't on any of those lists. Top 10 for me for sure.

Agreed. I caught them last week and was surprised and impressed. I thought it was great how some of the flatter songs on the album were the best live (Tether and By the Throat specifically). Her voice came through great but all the music was more driven. Light show was simple but perfect in its effectiveness.

MD was insanely "wtf" the first time I watched it for sure, but once you realize what's her "dream" and what's "reality" it's one of the simplest things Lynch has done.


The One Where Ross Got High.

I came here expecting to see the answer to be simply "the Def Leppard and AC/DC based soundtrack"

Yeah, as long as continues to not do that whole calling Bill "Daddy" bullshit. That was so entirely distracting but she's great now they've stopped.

That was one of my favorite lines in anything ever. Taken out of context, it's even more glorious.

The movie actually fit within the overall arc of the stories and bridges the gap between seasons 4 and 5. X Files are closed at the end of season 4 and reopened at the beginning of 5. It was a lead in to the next season so "xfiles closed -> xfiles reopened" is closure to that aspect. The rest of the film points fit

I agree, I looked at my wife (who is great with details but missed it) and said "things like that are why I still watch".

I know you meant Libby, but thank you. That's what I came here to comment on. His line of "the one thing Bill couldn't do I could, you're pregnant" pretty much screamed "because he's infertile and I used MY sperm!".

Not for anything, but did you miss the stained glass window representing EVERY religion at the end of Lost?  It's not overtly Christian so much as it is the embodiment of one of those "coexist" bumper stickers.

I've only had it a couple times but it is pretty fantastic.

Ya know how in the Office Classics reviews they're talking about how the longer episodes later in the season were weighed down with too much time and not being as focused as the earlier episodes?  I fear P&R is headed down that path.

I just wanted to say I'm insanely jealous of the both of you getting to go to the wrap party.

Okay, I had my seasons mixed up initially. I never really had a problem with the show until season 6 and MSPC was a solid arc.

Just wanted to say sorry on behalf of the folks who replied to your "I still regret…" story with "I had something happen, but it worked out way better for me man!" stories.