
I agree, also with InvisibleHJ.

I am a die hard fan, but I started having issues around Jim and Pam's wedding - specifically when they came back from the honeymoon ("Frank and beaaaans" - dude, Pam, your husband is operating on a Michael Scott level).  Even so, the last season was overall pretty fantastic, even if season 8 had some wretched moments.

I always thought the name Scrantonicity was barely worth a groan, but when the exchange comes later as @Thats_Unpossible:disqus  points out, it kills me.  It always felt to me like they chose that name to make the Scrantonicity II joke later, and I just love it so much.

This makes me think way ahead (maybe the last season?) where Creed has his own jinx moment, but his response is "Jinx!  Buy me some coke!"

This moment was when I knew I'd won my wife over in terms of The Office.  She was falling asleep, there was this exchange, I said "that was Toby" and the realization of who Michael had the exchange with, rather than what was said, was what made her laugh.

I agree, it's evident from The Fire at least.  The whole Microsoft Model question is seeping with bs along the lines of "I clearly know way more than you about this one thing that no one else knows about"

I put a Goosebumps on from netflix or something recently and I'm pretty sure it had Ryan Gosling in it too.  Just sayin.
But yeah, Goosebumps was just bad.

That rings true for a show like AHS too.

I was sitting here trying to remember the one that stuck with me the most - "The Lonely Ghost" it was.  I don't really even remember it now but I remember it freaking me out in a way the other eps hadn't at the time.

Plus, Goosebumps were stories I had already read before I saw the show.  I think it was when I first realized books were scarier than the movie/tv show.

@avclub-ee4fadf37efceab02df97947e8d240a6:disqus  yeah, that's how I meant it and always viewed it too.  sorry that didn't come across.

I'm mean, yeah, but preferably not Precious.  Or Kathy Bates.

Yup, and in my office it's with a person who honestly does not understand how it works.

Remember Wallace to Michael:  You didn't lose a single client on the merger and still managed to trim the bottom line? Now that is nice work.

[Laughing Hysterically] HI!  HI! HI! hoohoohooo!!!

He annoyed me at first too, and I always felt like he was there mostly to show how Roy connected with him.  But I liked how they came back to "Jakey" over the years.  Face tattooed stripper doesn't seem like such a stretch when you see the brat he was as a kid.

The best thing about them coming back to his loneliness was how well it always worked.  That moment in Cafe Disco at the end of S5 where he can't get anyone to eat lunch with him:  "I guess they got what they wanted.  I'm eating alone… might as well be dinner."

you're right man, people have such an issue with shows in the now and then nostalgia kicks in or the show gets worse and they love them after the fact.  Season 4 was so damn good that I held on through some less than great sprees in the show just hoping they'd return.  Past the prime?  nope.  Holding out dinner party

Well sure, but I was saying sitcom finale vs. drama.

And the lady asking the questions of Jim and Pam in the Q&A - she runs the office fansite officetally.  That's like Abed getting to walk on to Cougar Town and then actually being on Cougar Town.