
Right on.  The only thing I won't miss about new Office episodes is the internet piling on with how it's a shell of its former self or whatever or how they haven't watched since Michael left/JAM got annoying/season 5 or whatever.  I guarantee when people who loved this show at first happen to catch season 7 or 8

Agree 100%.  This was my favorite sitcom finale I've seen.  Just an absolutely perfect way to end the show.

I don't think the intention is that a hug is going to "fix" everything, but it's an indication that they aren't giving up.  One person can want to hold on to a relationship but if both aren't willing to work, or one just outright gives up, it's over.  I took it as a sign that Jim wants to fight and Pam is, at least,

Agree.  My thought was actually "I bet Jim left the umbrella to see if she would bring it to him" - like a little test to see if she cared enough to just be civil.  And there really have been plenty of instances that show the depth of this issue - Jim is not holding up his duties at home, he's missing moments in his

exactly, and she gave up on that to come back to Scranton "the wrong way" to be with Jim.  I'm sure she's hoping Jim will do the same.  Seems like resentment, plain and simple to me, though she has never said or really hinted at it.

I don't work in the production industry and I thought the same thing.

Was worth it just to watch Andy scream as the water poured into his eyes - it was like watching him volunteer for torture.

agree 100% about Pam.  I kept asking my wife if she agreed and she was like "well… yeah"

A. I think it's necessary to keep Athlead vague to an extent.  After 9 seasons I still don't know if DM sells only paper, paper and other office supplies, do they still sell printers or was that just with Sabre?  It's just not really all that important to the overall story of these characters, and the documentary is

Now that you said this, I remember a scene (maybe deleted?) where Ryan explains the path trends, memes, etc. take across America and lists Scranton as the last place they go.  Scranton is supposed to be laughably behind the rest of the country.

Except for a couple weeks back when Pam referred to the Odenkirk character by saying "he's Michael Scott".

I felt exactly the same.  Angela has been fantastic this season and this episode was no let down.

If this makes your head hurt, how does the inclusion of David Brent in the universe of Office US make you feel?

now in my head I hear him singing "which me am I gonna be today?"

I'm a fan of it because this is new territory and i find it interesting.  We get to watch these folks go through the stages of realizing the end result of all this filming.  Probably 3 stages - anticipation/anxiety, viewing what is released and seeing their reactions, and finally seeing how its airing affects their

Yeah, and every time Jim has taken over manager duties he has failed.  I think they've established he would be a shitty manager so I really don't think that's how this is ending.  At least I hope not.

I was holding on to my belief it was Gabe until last night.  I think they're laying it to rest here.

I'm a HUGE Office apologist (post season 4 generally) but this episode was just bad.

He nailed the cross between Michael Scott and David Brent PERFECTLY!  Makes me wish he had taken over for Scott, I probably would have loved that show.

Right.  I don't mind people beating on the office so much, but they should really pay attention before tearing it apart.  Brian absolutely acknowledged the camera crew, first by looking at them, then by talking almost in code to Pam "we need to stop talking like this" referring to them being in front of the cameras.