Our tongues are quick

"…for the equally ridiculous sport of android fisticuffs"

So, after two episodes, I guess they're not gonna call the show Sky Sluts after all?

Your definition of Pure must be in keeping with watching the original theatrical version of Blade Runner without all the added bonus footage that came along with those series of directors cuts in the 2000s.  Although its a nice service to the fans, there is still a unique, almost pureness in the original celluloid to

Utah:  The Don't show me State.  *RIMSHOT*

Note to self:  I still have no fucking clue why Utah would ever be known for Jazz, and hence their being the Utah Jazz.

Get rid of Malcom from Malcom in the Middle, what do you got, The Middle.  Boom.  Done.  Genius.

Extremely Bloody and Incredibly Gross:  Anal Fissure and Period Sex Voyuerism Vol. 1

I'm getting goose bumps!  Oh wait, those are just blisters.

No Tom Hanks, YOU rock.

Don't miss out on the wider universe of Zach Hill projects.  Chll Pll and Face Tat were incredible, all from last year too.

You know I was in a Kmart the other day and saw a direct to DVD air bud movie called Air Buddies, where I guess, our dog air bud gets puppies. Now, think about how long Air Bud has been lingering around, then think the same about Marmaduke. I think we can expect some crossovers in the near future for these two

…as I was going down on the biggest fucking pussy of my life…

I like Paul Rudd, but hate whatever he's in. I think I'd just like to be Paul Rudd, having really funny comedians as friends.

It's all inane.

Also Drew Carey does not live up to Bob Barkers personality on The Price is Right.

I think I voted for the black guy, you know, for president?

I was a massive Godzilla geek in elementary school. I hated Power Rangers yet would go through old junk bins at flea markets to find Godzilla movies on VHS (chalk it up to some sort of pretentious impulse, but I just hated PowerRangers and Pokemon).

I'll have these babies out when he's still working on the pickle Matrix.

I don't care what anyone says. Shelly Duvall is uniquely hot in my book.

Chutzpah, perhaps, but no spunk.