Our tongues are quick

I miss old AV club. The pristine high point was before they had profile pictures.

I thought this movie was going to be about Clement Greenberg. I studied an arthistory course in college. Sue me.

With all do respect, something tells me that titty fucking is incredibly underwelming. It might be a theory vs. praxis debate.

iPad jokes are so 18 hours ago.

Dear Chuck,
Please, please stop naming your books with fucking stupid names.

Is it like rain on your wedding day?

I've missed the last one and a half seasons of top chef, but the pastry bit really interests me. I'm hoping there'll be more time given to the chefs to actually sketch or plan on the actual look and taste of the dish, since it's not like cooking over a stove top where you can make last minute decisions. I'm excited.

doesn't bother me*

I'll approach some sort of serious answer by saying that, although I'm not religious at all, it does bother me that Dec. 25th has become some international hoiday that transcends religions, I've known people who weren't Christian and still receive and give presents on Christmas. If anything it just has to do with the

12 Angry Men Fucking


If this gets passed and we see a massive influx of revenue for channels, then I better damn well see some full frontal nudity with massive explosions to supplement it.


"I know what you jerked off to last summer."

I don't see much appeal in them, their sketches fare with high school forensic teams.

Ouch. And this is coming from within His exalted papacy. And it would be double shame on Todd if he was protestant.

It's the hair that makes the man. Think about it:

Quincy J. Poonanies


Their Pop mart tour impressed my 8 year old self back in the day. But I make no doubt about their suckishness, also, Bono.