Our tongues are quick

B- this is not.  And I'm willing to log on to my old old old av club account just to scream at the author of this review about this travesty.

B- this is not.  And I'm willing to log on to my old old old av club account just to scream at the author of this review about this travesty.

I gave up my Economist and New Yorker subscription for Lin't

It's the issue where Peter Parker dies on every page!

Yup, had to log in for the express purpose of bringing up Baby Blues.  I remember the reruns airing on Adult Swim right when it started, and then it simply vanished without a trace which I thought was odd because the show seemed so polished alongside the other 15 minute shows (excluding The Oblongs which was so solid.)



They're all gonna pee in a fountain with their bosses and in some bizzare twist they'll switch places, meanwhile Jason Bateman needs to find a schmuck to attend with to for a dinner for schmucks to please his boss, but now he's his own boss, and so you can see where this is getting really weird.

You get Tim Allen in there and you've got Auto-Focus pt. 2

I can't remember clearly, but the book is sort of divided into fourths, and what I can say about that big chunk towards the end that just randomly delves in to Lenny Bruce, J. Edgar Hoover, and a bunch of other short stories is just so compulsively fun to read.  A stepford wife from the 50s lamenting about commie

I'll make a suggestion then:  18 pt. Impact font, bold.

Peoria definitely does not have that skyline as shown in the game.

And whose nickname is Wheels.

I'm…almost certain I tasted mango salsa.   Or was it all a dream?

I'm thinking it's gonna go the way of Walking Dead, spend the entire season with a really good premise for a TV show but nearly fall short every time of achieving greatness.  If they can stay away from corny dialogues then they'll be one up from walking dead.  B-

I'm confused by the NPH he portrays on TV and this new image of him as a rapaciously sex crazed man.  Is there some NPH extended universe fan fiction that I'm missing here?  Cause I don't do extended universe, star wars, star trek, none of it.

God!  That's just like Kant and his trilogy of Critiques, like once Critique of Judgement hit you could tell he was totally throwing in the towel and rushed the book out to publication so he could move on with banging some chicks.

Just watch some episodes of Jag.  Nothing says white male middle-aged heterosexualism like bland bueracratic paper pushing.

No, definitely overestimate.