Wow. I couldn't disagree with you more on literally everything you just said, evil jack.
Wow. I couldn't disagree with you more on literally everything you just said, evil jack.
Narrated by Christopher Walken, mind you.
CC was pretty rockin' towards the turn of the century. Strangers with candy, upright citizens brigade, Viva Variety (kidding!) yeah they had everything. and, AND, stray reruns of the Critic. How can you beat that?
Bride Wars 2: War. Advanced.
skinny girls are hot in my view. Anyone else with me?
I wanna see more remakes of the unremakable.
I heard at slumber parties girls practice kissing on each other.
Strawberry Jam always had the potential of turning me off when Reverend Green came on. I love the song, but it bothers me to hear someone else so moved to being pissed off as Avey Tare screaming at the top of his lungs singing "REVEREND GREEN!!"
Maya Rudolf AS Maya Angelou on Leno.
Norm still has the Dr. Doolittle movies to cash in on! A straight to DVD release of a new DR Doolittle was released recently(!)
Ah that makes me giddy now!
Ah but aliens have the unfortunate potential of being new agey.
But come on, the Hef is in it!
Fuck all of you: February is the cruelest month by a longshot. What other month has the highest rate of depression or other psychological disorders to those born in that month?
Waiting for Godot the musical would be nice.
Wait fuck that I'm not paying $75 for "burned" DVDs.
Just laying it out there, but I'd honestly pay anyone $75 for their complete Wire DVD box set (or, uh, "burned" copies, and by burned I'm, uh, referring to that Wicker Man scene(?))
We're all gonna get L_A_I_D!!!
please let that not be a family guy or robot chicken quote.
@PG You have it way, way wrong, bro. Let me spell it out for you: if this lineup was made 5 years ago, there'd be bands with wolf in the title, like AIDs Wolf. But because this is 2009, it would instead be crystal.