Our tongues are quick

Yes, why They Shoot Horses Don't They isn't on this list makes me confused.

Yeah, but come on…

@ Gabbo: Totally agree. "Lets throw in, yes, ANOTHER slow motion shot."

That's naturally high on life, brosef.

Whoa, everybody, chill the fuck out.

I had the idea of playing the movies Clue and Clueless simultaneously on two different TVs. Mindfuckery.

Wain is the most adorable Stella fella!

BILLY CRYSTAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Thank you for commenting on Digipaks! They ARE the classiest, nicest packaging money can buy.

I personally liked the plain jane normal non-head Simpsons box sets. Season one is a really quaint picture of the Simpsons, while as the seasons progress the pictures get more crazier. What's not to like?

1) Sennheiser isn't French, it's German, on account of their products are made in Germany and their name sounds pretty fucking German.

Wait a minute, hold the phone. This discussion has gone long enough without someone introducing Urban Outfitters, which outweighs AA in doucheness twofold.

Whoa that burnete on the left is hot hot hot.

Yeah ZMF definitely is not a flavor of the month. He's more like the Hang in there kitty.

I'm guessing Pitchfork mover their offices to the magnificent mile, away from trendy Wicker park.

I managed to watch 5 episodes of Kath and Kim last summer on Sundance, and I can see where the appeal to bring it to the states was at. It's a shame it ain't no American Office.

I bet you $5 to hit that shit. I'm a betting man, see.

I loved TWBB, but honesty, the ending did nothing for me. I had a friend tell me right before I saw it that the ending would be like the new Godfather of movie endings (or something like that (I have not seen a full Godfather movie)). In retrospect, it was a decent ending, but anticlimatic if that's even possible,

Guy on the far far right looks like Ricky Gearvis.