Kid Pika

Hey! The first Stone Roses album is a pop masterpiece. The crappy follow-up Led Zepplin covers album that it took six years to make is not, however.

Indeed. I think I burned through the entire Fresh Air back catalogue while working boring temp jobs.

@wolfmans Razor


Dawkins and Hitchens understand religion as entirely reducible to the follwing: a.) silly belief in a sky god. b.) some violence and c.) some misogyny. That is all.
I'm with them 100% when they go after the intelligent design crowd, but to pretend that they have a deep and nuanced view of the role religion has

Iowa turned the poor boy to atheism.

What an interesting man!
This is the sort of thing that I love the A.V. Club for…that's all.

Damn, Heller
Cat Power doing Misfits songs? The Dirty Projectors giving another punk classic the twee, wanky, overcomposed and oh-so avant-garde treatment? You, sir, are the hipster devil.

Eric Bana
Flat? One-note? Possibly bland, even? Surely not that dynamo of raw charisma known as Eric Bana.

"Your Eyes" or "Solsbury Hill"? It's gotta be one of the two.

I hate to be the guy who whines about the letter grades on a pop culture web site, but if Check Your Head isn't an A or A+++ album then I don't know what is.

Is worth checking out if you haven't yet. It's kind of a Chinese language hulu with loads of Kung-fu serials and movies. Although, for the most part they are not subtitled in English.

Visit the book/video/stationary shop in your local Chinatown. You're sure to find a ton of so bad they're good DVDs (or VCDs) for less than 5 bucks a pop.

ZMF, any kung-fu movie nerd would agree with you that Crouching Tiger was fucking wack. Ang Lee did the same thing with kung-fu movies that he did with comic book movies in Hulk; take a fun genre and turn it into a boring Merchant Ivory styled slog of emotional constipation.

modern gateway movies
I can't quibble with 36 Chambers, but a lot of the newer movies are more accessible, with better pacing and more coherent stories.
Fist of Legend, Iron Monkey, Drunken Master II, even Stephen Chow's Kung-Fu Hustle are all good gateway drugs.

I have repeatedly entreated the AV Club people to do a MYOF or I Watched This on Purpose feature on The Other Sister.
Poor Annie Hall. She looks so embarassed.

Victory Auto Wreckers, 710 E. Green in Bensenville! The commercial where the 70s dood goes to open the door of his giant avocado green oldsmobile only to have it fall off. He then gives a shrug like, "awww mann…"

It was good to see Washington reprise the role of Easy Rawlins.

5 Boroughs wasn't that bad. Hopefully they'll have less to say about George Bush this time around.

his career hasn't been that illustrious??!!!?
Mr. Cox, I direct your attention to a little franchise known as The Mighty Ducks.