Kid Pika

I love Level 5! I want a live action Professor Layton movie, please. I also want Todd Solondz, Harmony Korine and Neil LaBute to drift away on a leaky raft in shark infested waters and never be heard from again.

Indeed. Tengo de la muerte is obviously the more appropriate reference.

Dead Man is his best film. That's an empirical truth.

Gondry, not Chow?
I know that there are at least a few nerds on here to whom this will make sense:
This movie was originally to feature Stephen "Shaolin Soccer/Kung-fu Hustle" Chow as Kato. He was also going to direct. He was perfect for the job.
At some point, for some reason, he was booted and Micheal "Be Kind,

Armond would be more entertaining if he weren't so predictable. Switch up the formula every once in a while, keep us on our toes. Try giving a negative review to a movie with a 10% freshness rating. You'll still bring the traffic to NY Press. Writing in actual, intelligible sentences that are both coherent and

Poop back and forth…forever.

Yeah, right. "Face"? More like "weasel face"!

Child abuse, it is.

The disappointing output of big boys like Sakaguchi and Squeenix aside, this generation has been pretty good for Japanophilic western gamers. We've seen all kinds of great localizations from Atlus, and Nipon Ichi (I can't wait for Trinity Universe) as well as developers like Tri-Ace.

An uninteresting version of Tori Spelling. That's right. They have the same mouth-breathey wall-eyed goldfish face. And at least Tori Spelling's dad made The Love Boat.

Owen Wilson
What the hell happened to him? Where's guy who co-wrote Rushmore and Royal Tennenbaums and whose inspired ad libbing made those Jackie Chan cowboy movies infinitely funnier than they had any right to be?

The 1990s reboots were great and are available on Netflix, I believe.

Godzilla's Revenge is for the children. The plot involves a boy who goes to Monster Island in his dreams where Minya (Baby Godzilla) teaches him to stand up to bullies.

Piling on with the Jeunet love. Those who have not listened to the Amelie commentary track must do so at once "I like it when the weemen wear beeeg black shoes. Weeth socks."

Seven Swords
While he is an amazing visual stylist coherent storytelling and fleshed out characters have never been Tsui Hark's strong suit. That being said, Seven Swords is an incoherent mess even by his standards.

I haven't played Risen, so I'd give that one a shot first (it looks pretty neat, but I don't have a 360). Have to agree with the poster above who said that Darksiders makes a weak case for God of War styled combat in a Zelda styled game.

Yeah, I find the new 3D character models to be downright ugly when compared to some of the beautifully detailed giant Capcom sprites of the olden days. I would have preferred highly polished 2d characters a la Muramasa for SF IV (and Marvel v.s. Capcom III for that matter) but it is not to be.

a film set in medieval China starring RZA?
How do I put this delicately? There weren't a lot of guys who looked like RZA in medieval China. This goes a little beyond the credulity stretching of Kevin Costner as Robin Hood.

Every week someon points out how crappy the game reviews are, esp. relative to the generally high quality of criticism on this site, and every week RagingBear, true to his name, rages against the supposed "trolls" and assures us that the games reviews here are, in fact, JUST FINE!!!!!
And every week I read the same

Alternatively, they could hire someone who knows something/cares about games to write the reviews. Just throwin' that out there. I come here for coverage of movies and music and go elsewhere for game news and reviews, so I don't really have a dog in this fight so t'speak.