Kid Pika

best faux Connery quote from Trainspotting:
"Yessh, mish moneypenny." Say that all the time, for no good reason.

Last Chance For Pie
I'm stunned. I thought that my brother and I were the only people on earth who attempted to hurry people along by telling them that time was almost up and that it was, in fact, at that very moment, their "last chance for pie."

I'll go ahead.
"Don't you hate pants?"

Robert Downey Jr. should do some more neo-noir, maybe a Chandler or Hammett adaptation along the lines of Altman's The Long Goodbye. He's just so good at playing a smart-aleck in over his head.

The porn industry treats objects like women, man.

There's a great youtube clip of John Stossel getting socked in the face by a pro wrestler for calling the "sport" fake. Look it up. You'll be glad you did.

At least it sounds somewhat interesting. I was expecting a fairly by the numbers homage to the "scrappy, rag-tag platoon of misfits in WWII" genre exemplified by movies like The Dirty Dozen and Kelly's Heroes.

I started playing Punch-Out on Wii last night and Great Tiger kicked my ass. Off topic, I know, but it's true.

Stevie P. nailed it. The first third of the movie is actually pretty good. Once they head to South America it all goes to shit.

We got both kinds of music. Country AND Western!

The editorial cartoons are pure comedy gold. I love the fact that the statue of liberty is always present, either weeping or cheering, regardless of subject matter.

The Paperboy 2000
If I remeber correctly it went haywire, shooting newspapers through windows and whatnot. Only Chris Elliot could stop it.

I find reason to moan "Mah Cheel-drun need wine!" at least twice a week.

His standup/storytelling/Q&A session things are always a lot funnier than his movies. He seems like a genuine, likeable fellow.

I thought Ron Howard was a Lawnmower drinker.

Forest Whitaker
Poor guy is pretty near the top of the list of good actors generally relegated to roles in shitty movies.

As for top three worst C brothers movies (in order from not so bad to sucky), I'd have to go Ladykillers> Intolerable Cruelty> Burn After Reading. I don't think Ladykillers gets the credit it deserves. Not one of their better efforts by any stretch of the imagination, but the scenes between Tom Hanks and the Grandma

Heinz the Baron Krauss von Espy!

I used to be able to whup Mike Tyson no problem when I was a kid. I downloaded the virtual console Punch-Out a few weeks ago and can't even beat Great Tiger anymore. Getting old sucks.

Smash Brother Brawl is reason enough to own a Wii.