Kid Pika

Ka-rul Puh-keen-suh

He bodyslammed Andre the Giant. Have YOU bodyslammed Andre the Giant, Gentleherpes? No. I thought not.

I think that Night on Earth, along with Mystery Train are my favorite movies of his because they seem to me the warmest and most human. They don't have that ponderous distant feel to them that people always bring up when criticizing his movies.


Wait…he wrote Regarding Henry???!???! That's the indisputable moment that Harrison Ford decided to only make shitty movies and lo, nearly 20 years on he's never looked back. I wasn't crazy about the guy before but I now believe J.J. Abrahms to be evil incarnate

JVS —you'll have to wait to find out until next summer when McG's Longshot movie burns up screens all across the land.

everybody's rappin like it's a commercial, acting like life is a big commercial.

So this isn't that new Julia Childs movie?
Where there's cooking and "save the giblets" and all that?

lousy colonel
I'd rather pay for Popeyes than eat free KFC.

@the dude
You're going to tell me that Full House or the Drew Carrey Show (to pick two off the top of my head) were less terrible?

Empty Nest
Wasn't all that bad. It had the guy who was Punky Brewster's dad and the captain on Police Academy. Also, Joe Isuzu. Certainly there were worse television shows in the 90s.

It's just a lazy mashup of The Dirty Dozen and Benji Come Home. No need to waste your time.

ALL the medals? Even literature?

The Steve Coogan/Owen Wilson bits were modestly amusing.

The Da Vinci Code movie was terrible but at least it had Amelie in it and, um, she's cute. So, it had that going for it.

Yeah, Tokyo's not really a good city for mopey ennui time. Go to Akihabara and buy some gadgets then eat some noodles. What the hell are you so depressed about? I'd understand if you were stuck in the motel 8 in Witchita or something, but geez.

Phillip Seymour Hoffman, "fairly attractive." That's crazy talk.

No fair. I'd hit him with a thunder jolt and he'd come back with, what? A urinal placed ironically in a gallery?

I'm sorry but how did Liev Schreiber's presence up your anticipation of what this movie would be? The guy is the pasty turd who tried to fill Gregory Peck's shoes in the terrible remake of The Omen. He did some stuff on Broadway, is that it?

Sonic the Hedgehog gets a lifetime pass for those games on the Genesis even though he's been in nothing but crap for the last decade or so.