Reginald J. Trotsfield

I'll kiss you on the mouth, Kenny Rogers

He's even great in Much Ado About Nothing, as the inept security guard. Here's another vote for Keaton = Awesome.

Step Brothers was awesome, but Ferrell was the weak link. JCR carried that movie to awesome levels.


Jet cannot be brought up without mention of the Pitchfork review for their album "Shine On." A video is worth a thousand words.

Right as Don was laying her down on the couch he said something like "You smell nice" and she responded with….? I hit rewind and watched it again but still couldn't make out what she said. At that point in the scene Don was still giving the rapey vibe so her response seemed important, but it was probably something

I enjoy this as well, even if he copies Lil' Waynes flow throughout the album ("I Be On That" in particular).

True story: I live and work in Atlanta. Part of my job is visiting Coca-Cola HQ a few times a week as an outside contractor. One day when coming though security at the gate the officer spotted an almost empty bottle of non-Dasani water. He politely asked me to turn around and come back when the bottle had been

Agreed. It's not that hard. Lift some weights if you can, run around till you get winded a few days a week. You pussies act like enjoying some exercise makes you a meathead. I say not enjoying getting some exercise means you're wasting your life.

This is a potentially stupid question, but does the guy who gets curbed die? I could see that fucking up some teeth and shattering your jaw, but is it necessarily going to kill you?

Reckoning>everything else

The only misstep is that horrible Vonnegutt-sung hook on "Follow Us." It takes me completely out of an otherwise great song.

Charlie Day is getting robbed yet again for Best Supporting Actor in a Comedy. The work he does on that show is outstanding!

Lysol had sex with Katie, I just filmed it.

Def "You saw Dingleberries?"

I like Ron getting SCREAMED at off-camera, much funnier than if we had seen it.

O'Neal is the best writer here!

"Can I wear the Scream mask while I do you from behind?"
-The People's Champion, The Shelby Sensation, The Reverse Apache Master, The Man with the Golden Dick, Doctor CockandBalls

Just like Neil Armstrong, I went to space, and now I'm back, and nobody gives a shit.

I disliked season 2 the first time through, when they veered away from the drug trade. I went back to it a couple years later and I think it's fantastic, maybe the best. Season 4 is also a classic, hard to top.