Reginald J. Trotsfield

I'm pretty sure we see Melfi's son later in Season 1.

I really like the scene where Christopher is getting out of the hospital in the neck brace and he's super-paranoid. Ducking down in the front seat of the truck, etc. Also Adriana's delivery of "The nurse said you made number 2 in your pants. Is that true?" cracks me up. Chrissy was such a funny character, mainly in

It took me a few seconds to place him, but once I did it was great. He was awesome in this role, not too far from Rosso but he still really fit in with the cast and the storyline. Hurrah!

Really excellent job on the review Donna, one of the better ones I've seen on here

I was also thinking he going to peek at it and realize it was blue. I'm not sure how that would end up playing out, but I have no doubt the writers would made it interesting.

Youtube compiled the funniest moments for us! Not bad

Definitely Docs Da Name 2000 or the original Blackout. Pairing him with Method Man = non-stop greatness.

I want William Sanderson back (E.B. Farnum)

mm type slower

It's almost cute how hard she is ripping off Lady Gaga. Androgeny? Check. Leather/bondage? Check. Dominant/submissive roles? Check. Implied lesbianism? Check. Even the hair and makeup is a complete rip off.

It's actually "hard sci-fi" which makes it even better. Best line of the night.

Why the delay AV Club?

Interesting review if only for the complete slam of the Pfork review:

I surf Deadspin a lot, but those commenters they have there are the WORST. Everyone trying to one up each other with stupid, dated jokes and terrible puns.

Thanks for the reply Tristiac. It's my main gripe with the show for a while now, but I don't dare voice that opinion in the Lost TV Club recaps. I too love Terry O'Quinn and I'm glad he's still on the show.

The #1 reason Lost sucks big hairy donkey balls is because they've killed off and then brought back so many characters that any death on the show no longer carries any weight.


I cant follow this thread at all

Agree on that second part.

Little Donny