Reginald J. Trotsfield

Charlie with the mullet wig, Flyers jersey, and American flag cape will definitely be my Halloween costume this year

Yes, Season 2 went from my least favorite season to my favorite after a second viewing.

The episode from Season 2 guest starring Robin Williams is the one I remember most (written by David Simon). Holy shit that was devastating.

I wouldn't say I have a fear of sharks per se, but more of a fear of open water in general. Big, open, murky water with no land in sight. The scariest moment in the movie "Open Water" is not the sharks, but when they first surface and realize the boat has left them and they're just going to float around until they

Randy and Evi taking over for Ashley Judd and Michael Shannon in… "Bug 2: The Squatters"

Charlie as preacher was my favorite Charlie moment.

Great show
I randomly saw these guys in Atlanta opening for Free Energy this summer. I had never heard of them but they put on a fantastic show, pretty much topping the headliner. High energy and technically impressive. If you get a chance to see them definitely take it.

Amy Pohler got a beer too, saw her take a sip, isn't she currently preggers? TSK!

Great scene Erik

This show gets you so heated, but then you're on this board week in and week out complaining about how bad it is?? You certainly watch it every week, why waste 10+ hours now on a show you're clearly too good for?

I like this show but goddamn they act like some high school shit. "OMG, did Ronnie kiss a girl at the club after I left!?" You should be freaking ecstatic that's ALL he did, everyone on this show is semi-attractive in Miami with MTV cameras following them everywhere. They could be banging two at a time if they wanted,

I love you CC

Would anyone like a banger in the mouth?

Chad Pennington is the most accurate passer in NFL history!


Really good job with this Mike, did you give thought to writing up the scene of Hal being disconnected.

Hal being disconnected is one of the best scenes in film history.

When I woke up this morning I was really hoping there would be an AVClub thread about the 1988 Presidential election.

that X-Files episode: A
The first 30 minutes of Idiocracy: A-
The Royal Tenenbaums/ Bottle Rocket: A+

You and your mom are hillbillies. This is a house of learned doctors.