Reginald J. Trotsfield

I bust my rhymes first never chasing a skirt
Do much work while other suckas need more time to rehearse
Now back to the ex-girls, ex-lovers, ex-friends
It made me mad to find that she was only after my ends

Keep sucking down those cigs bro

Sorry Amelie

One of my favorite Weezy lines.

Eagle Medallion! caw caw!

Yes, the incessant drumming throughout Wallace and his wife's inane conversation was a slow burner but def awesome.

Thirdsies on Wallace following Michael down the driveway, clutching a blanket as Michael slowly tries to escape. I was dying!

oh yeah, die of cancerAIDS, etc.

I feel like Taken wanted to be a Jason Bourne movie but was just too stupid and ugly to pull it off. It's fast paced and mindless, which I can get on board with, but it was just so obviously a Bourne knockoff that it became distracting. Also, he killed SOOO many people in that movie. I know ZMF would chide me for not

blew chunks

I think we've got a situation on our hands.

the REAL MBS would never talk like that.

I fucking read it.

Farts & Procreation
The Orifice
30 Cock(s)

Chanello's? Anyone? Anyone?

It really says something about a band when they can release 5-6 albums and each one is a fan favorite. They are all 4 to 5 star albums for me, and I've had the thought recently that if I could be a rock star the same career track as any other band, it would have to be Spoon. Every album is awesome, they fly under the

Give it time El Zilcho, it will set in. As I like to say, if I wake up feeling fine something's wrong.

Yeah, I always felt Norman was capable of some seriously dark moves. Like he was all goody goody as Carcetti's campaign manager, but if push came to shove he wasn't above taking someone out at the knee.

No S!

What if
Love the Wire like every other white person here. Checking at IMDB I found some interesting trivia about who auditioned for what part. Really interesting stuff there, such as: