Reginald J. Trotsfield

Al, the line about "Everytime I chase a squirrel, it rips apart my world" is also a Craig Finn-ism.

It's only 8 bucks to convert

Self-titled is fantastic. They follow what I have dubbed the "Death Cab For Cutie" band growth.

The one thing I remember from the CK days is when Bill Murray was a guest. Off the cuff he asked Murray to come up with some lyrics for the DS theme song, which Murray then ad-libbed. I only saw it once, but TO THIS DAY when I hear the DS theme song I have to sing Murray's made up lyric…

I never really thought the Wayne Brady sketch was that funny, except the part where Daves tells the hooker that approaches the car to RUN BITCH!

Black Bush
Black Bush was the funniest thing I'd ever seen when it first aired.

"It was like taking Peyote and sneezing slowly for 6 hours…"

Karate Kid, Groundhog Day, Raiders of the Lost Ark. Anytime, any place.

I really liked a moment later in the episode b/w Jerry and Larry. Jerry convinced Larry to talk to MuffinTop, which he does and she quits. Then when they meet with Julie and she insists the situation has to be fixed, Jerry insists Larry should do that as well. The look Larry gives Jerry at this point is HILARIOUS.

and never, ever after midnight.

"Airheads." Anyone? Anyone?

Cheaper by the Dozen
is the ONLY one I've seen on this list, altho I did see it 6 times. Working at a summer resort, we showed this movie every Thursday for 6 weeks straight. PAINFUL. Of course the other 6 weeks was The Pink Panther remake, which was almost as bad.

Alopecia was a GREAT album, it definitely got slept on. I saw them in Atlanta last year right when it came out and it was one of the best shows I saw last year. I'm not really feeling this new stuff, it does seem like a marked departure from their sound, but I will give it time to grow. Definitely check out

I want Draper's sunglasses. Badass.

It's interesting to see how Don interacts with the younger generation. We see him tonight outside of his normal comfort zone for the first time since "The Jet Set." When he picks up the two young hitchhikers, it seems to be his first exposure to the counter-culture movement that was just getting underway. He even gets

@ Mrs. Whiskers - I agree. I still tune into this show every week, and it's still pretty entertaining. But seasons 2 and 3 are SO CONSISTENTLY GOOD that these later seasons just can't compare. I'm not trying to be a hipster douchebag contrarian; like I said, I still watch and enjoy the show. But honestly, go back and

Handler also claims she like 33 years old. If she's 33 she's seen some haaaard years.

heck yes.

Whenever I read Burl's posts, in my head he has the voice of Huell Howser.

Yo Tasha