Reginald J. Trotsfield

Funny People
Maybe now Apatow will realize people don't want to watch comedies that drag on 30 minutes (or more) than they should? I like his work, but c'mon….

I agree teadoust. About a week after it opened I almost gave in, just to see what the shittiness was really all THAT shitty. But I held out, Bay will get none of my hard earned money. I'll be downloading it illegally as soon as it's out on DVD.

Fantastic Vol 2 is great! I agree with OP, at first it seemed a bit of a let down, but I come back to it from time to time and it grows on me every time. Some of Jay's best work. At first I thought the rhyme skills were weak (still partially true) but they compliment the laid back beats perfectly.

Nice reference, one of my favorite internet comedy videos from the past few years. Look fast for now SNL- famous Bobby Moynihan as the highlight of the video. He was destined for stardom back then.

ZMF, I don't hate Jazz, but I still want that post on a T-shirt.

Simpsons did it

Living Dolls
Living Dolls is available on YouTube in sections. Instant depression/ homicidal rage is just a click away:

How long…
…until we see Turtle chugging Structured Water on an episode of Entourage? The universe might collapse on itself.

Take two of the nuggets, and put them up your ass! Now give me FOUR chicken McNuggets…..

Chik-Fil-A is hands down better than any other fast food chain by a long shot. I will hear no arguments to the contrary. I can take or leave the waffle fries, but the Chicken Sandwich or the Strips with some Polynesian Sauce is un-fuck-wit-able. I heard a rumor that their chicken is marinated in pickle juice which

More Indie Quirkfests…
The "quirky indie" genre and marketing scheme is getting way out of hand. It started with Little Miss Sunshine, not a bad flick but not nearly as great as everyone made it out to be. Then came Juno with its stupid "catchphrases" and forced sense of charm (I hated HATED Juno). Away We Go seemed