
yeah I thought that was dumb too

I don't think sentient means what you think it means

that annoys me too Kevin N

hank interviewed Jesse after the Tuco thing, so he knows what he looks like

i didn't have a problem with the strip club montage.

yeah you guys are right

i guess I'm not even really clear on what laundering money entails. In the past Saul's laundering service consists of just exchanging a large bag of cash for a slightly smaller bag of cash. Walt gets $1.2 million in cash from Pollos, then he gives it to Saul, who turns it into two bags with $480,000 in cash? I dunno

why even tell Saul about it? I'm sure his new employer is capable of laundering money, so I don't think he needs either of them anymore.

i'd like to see more about what happened back in the day with the Grey Matter thing.

he wasn't lying to the mexican cartel guys when he said he only needed him alive for a while and then they could have him. He's using him to develop a kick ass formula and meth making process, then let the cousins kill him.

I assumed she didn't like it because she just didn't like meth in general.

remember canteen boy? that was awesome

I think she's hot and she doesn't annoy me, so she's alright by me. That show is pretty lame though.

"must be some kinda… hot tub time machine"

i believe Devil's Advocate meets this criteria

i imagine those movies are way better in their original language. It's not like the acting is any good to begin with, but that awful awful dubbing really does a lot of damage.

i loved bukowski in high school and college, and I picked up "on the road" after hearing it was in the same vein as bukowski and how super influential and important it was. I found it terribly boring and didn't finish it.

that's what I say. Common usage is what defines the language, not the dictionary. If that's the way people use it, then that's the definition.

so progressives are the cold hard realists now?

i preferred alicia silverstone in that video