
liberals say economists and libertarians are heartless and amoral, economists and libertarians would say liberals are naive and unrealistic

"Option 3 is the way they do it in Amsterdam. "

I think that's actually reusing, not recycling

I think that would be reusing, not recycling

turns out it was a hoax, he set up the whole thing.

yeah seriously

if you're driving cross country on I-80, Nebraska is the worst state to drive through

wait, that song is called "Radar Love"?

This. Thread. Ends. NOW

the hilarious part was the coverage, not the story itself. that's what I meant

has anyone been watching this balloon story on the news?

if that's how you feel ACS, sholdn't you be happy that there are people who make a conscious effort to be self reliant, to not be weak, lazy, impotent, pampered fatasses dependent and distracted by modern technology?

I don't know much about australia, but a quick peek at wikipedia told me that gun crimes have gone down, but overall homicides and suicides have stayed about the same. To me that means that crimes that would've been committed with guns are now being committed with other things. I don't see how that is any better

*signs petition*

so is Leon Washington going to be getting the majority of the carries from here on out, or what? He's on my fantasy team. Jones is clearly still the goalline back, unfortunately

A bit sour initially, with an interesting mouthfeel. Hint of black olives.


I definitely agree that a dj's turntable can be an instrument

those ambulance rides aren't free

thank you for introducing me to the human centipede