
I know what you mean Martian Judge. I can't stomach Th West Wing because of the witty rapid fire banter. Granted these are presidential staff not walmart clerks, but still. Nobody's talks that quickly and is that clever.

I really don't see why bestiality should be illegal, to be honest.

i remember seeing a mr. show sketch where he had a wig on and he didn't look too bad

he looks like a beatnik.

pretty sure Osha is captured in the first book, on Bran's first test ride of his modified saddle.

you're right groovypants, it's mostly just the way he's being written in the show.

I also am listening to the audiobook, and I'm more or less in the same spot as the show. After seeing this episode I'm a bit behind though. I think in the book I'ma t the ppoint where Tyrion is freed from the Eyrie and is trying to convinve Shagga and co. to join his cause instead of kill him. I'm not even sure

technically there are no monkeys in Congo, since gorillas are apes, not monkeys.

They're really different and kind of hard to compare directly, but I prefer the british one.

I was really surprised there was no Kubrick at all picked by any off the staff.

I always found it funny that Michael Savage's real last name is Weiner

the actor that plays Joffrey has got to be one of the weirdest looking kids I've seen in a long time. In the books he's supposed to be tall for his age and really handsome, so he doesn't really fit. He's doing a good job of being a little shit, though.

Actually, the problem is there's too many people putting way too much emphasis on story, plot, and narrative in video games when those things really don't matter.

Levy has it coming

that was pretty awesome

Hank's dilemma
When Hank got the call about his wife being in the hospital it reminded me of the time Walt got the call that Skylar was having the baby. They both were at really crucial moments in their careers. The difference is that Hank leaves work immediately and goes to his wife without really thinking, whereas

he could easily get another RV.

but yeah if Hank checks the phone records and sees Walt called the phone…

not nearly as incriminating as actually having Jesse answer and talking to him.

i'm no lawyer, but can't the weird junkyard owner get in trouble now?