"The problem with capitalism is that it is finite, it has an end. You can't cut costs to increase profits forever, eventually you will end up with no one who can afford what you are selling. It is a race to the bottom."
"The problem with capitalism is that it is finite, it has an end. You can't cut costs to increase profits forever, eventually you will end up with no one who can afford what you are selling. It is a race to the bottom."
Across the Board:
The government spends less on 10 people making $50,000 than on one making $500,000? Really? That sounds like bullshit to me. As far as the SEC is concerned, yeah that's probably true, but that's a tiny portion of where taxes go. What about prisons and police, roads and infrastructure, social security, the military?
The problem is that as far as Moore's concerned every problem in the world can be traced back to some greedy rich guy that's willfully exploiting the situation.
bah humbug
at the risk of sounding like an old out of touch lame-ass…
the suit with the ears is pretty awesome and that babe looks adorable in it.
i didn't get that it was supposed to be sarcastic either. My recollection of king kong was that it was a big budget film that wasn't great
my impression on seeing the trailer was DAMN THAT'S A LOT OF CGI
I think it was Chong Li (or Chung Lee?)
I spent a lot of time playing Street Fighter 2 and Mortal Kombat.
whoever said that becki levi makes cyborg look like megan fox…
"Of course, all this ignores the idea that health care is not, and by the definition of the word, cannot be a right."
not enough calories
i don't really like any of the new mtn dew flavors.
i agree with both those statements
your dad sounds awesome
i think the new episodes of nitro circus are on MTV, not MTV2
"The thing is, I am surprised any serious criminal organization would go about things this way. You would expect, after this, for the feds to invest massive resources into this case. What does that accomplish? I just don't see any point."
I thought of Redwall too when I saw that picture.