Matt M

This. Quitely is utterly wasted here, from costume/character design to layouts.  I hope Millar's bluster about there being three volumes of this in total is crap, because I'd hate to see Frank Quitely spend the next six or seven years of his creative peak drawing this boring shit.

That cover is Exhibit A in the "Rod Stewart is a Top-Ten Rock Vocalist" argument.

@avclub-1343022fc4003e2cf16f0368302d86e8:disqus , you are the reigning king of bad Southland theories.

Kirk Fox as one of the featured prank players merits at least a check-in.

@avclub-395d48b53a6796700e3dd3cc47ed692f:disqus , point taken, and I'll take more care in the future, but it's I think it's fair to say that as it was being used above ("Bring out the gimp"), "rape" was carrying a connotation of intent on the part of the perpetrator that a cavity search doesn't rise to.

I said this above, too, but I think they probably searched him for tracking devices.  Thoroughly.  Which likely involved a sexual assault, but not "rape" per se.

Yeah, "rape" is a leap that I'm not sure the information presented justifies.

The bit about the tweakers believing that killing a cop and kidnapping a cop would carry the same punishment is drawn from the incident, as well.

I think "rape" is the wrong word, but as their main concern seemed to be searching for tracking devices, I think some kind of sexual assault probably occurred.

@avclub-8c3bce39ca977e0f872b6d9fb3be8cfb:disqus I rewatched the episode last night.  In the scene where Strokeface threatens to come to Sammy's house, Ben is VERY prominently framed in the background, watching the conversation.  He saw his opportunity, and he took it.

What, nobody else noticed that the DeSade fan was Lucy from Twin Peaks?  Her delivery on the name "Cooper" didn't give it away?

Don Dimello as Creed.

It's been hinted strongly that Dewey knows, and I'd say the hospital scene from last night was meant to be read as confirming it, as being so okay with it that he gives John shit (which is Dewey's default setting with friends).  Anyway, I'd think any of the officers who were at the teen jumper scene from S4 (which

McKenzie has made it clear that his pilot is in 2nd position to Southland.

This.  There are people who know (Dewey, Tang), there are people who suspect/are pretty sure (Sherman, probably most of the other cops in Coop's division—Lucero excepted), but Coop's not going to discuss it with any of them if he can at all help it.

Kareem Abdul-Jabbar pimping Wonderfalls is officially my favorite thing ever.

Digger/Scooper is the best.

Hats off on "Alexis Bleedel," Erik.

It's shot-for-shot.

It's shot-for-shot.