Matt M

If this is what he needs to do to work through Tom Cruise Jr Heidecker's death, I'm ok with it.

Your mistake is in expecting TWD to be "respectable television." It isn't. It never has been.

Who knew that "Laura's Theme" was a couple of instrument changes away from being a John Carpenter score?

Guys, can you blame the AV Club for wanting to get a piece of that sweet, sweet BUG'S LIFE clickbait article money?

More transgressive than anything in the Lady Gaga catologue.

I spent the majority of this season thinking Sepinwall was being unfairly harsh to the show.

If memory serves, Elijah Wood and his teen-love-worth-dying-for also escape the tidal wave by climbing a hill within a mile or two of the beach.

Loeb did an arc or two on the Buffy comic, back when Whedon was far more involved with it than he is now.

That may be true, but doesn't change the fact that Whedon has brought him in as a collaborator on multiple occasions, predating his involvement at Marvel TV.

I like how Todd none-too-subtly points out the individual responsible for the creative rot at the core of the show.

So, tomorrow's entry has got to be THE BRIDE, right?

"Rapper Ta'Quil made headlines today, but not the good kind like you want."

People let me tell you 'bout my new best friend…Barnaby Jones! NAP!

I'm not sure they actually needed the "NSFW" in the headline.

"…for a while."

Yeah, title notwithstanding, I see PLANET TERROR less as a 70s grindhouse movie, and more as an 80s "USA's Up All Night" flick.  Gilbert Gottfried should introduce it.

The petition for a "Dewey Dudek, Private Eye" spinoff begins here!

Yeah, in order to keep their production budgets anywhere close to what they are with the viewership they have, AMC and FX would have to start charging in the $7-$10 a month range.  And then you factor in the fact that said prices would chase a big chunk of the existing viewership off (or to piracy, see any article

@avclub-94d8526a5fae933806f65b8a0f49301a:disqus : Early word was three volumes.  Hopefully that was just another example of his…let's say exaggerations.