Matt M

BEST COMMENTARY EVER.  He spends 70% of the time just watching the video and smoking a cigar, and the other 30% of the time explaining what's happening onscreen.  You know, in case the song lyrics doing the exact same thing didn't do it for you.

BEST COMMENTARY EVER.  He spends 70% of the time just watching the video and smoking a cigar, and the other 30% of the time explaining what's happening onscreen.  You know, in case the song lyrics doing the exact same thing didn't do it for you.

Surprised not to see SIDEWAYS. Surreptitiously drinking your most prized possession out of a styrofoam cup in a fast food restaurant is pretty much the definition of rock bottom.

Surprised not to see SIDEWAYS. Surreptitiously drinking your most prized possession out of a styrofoam cup in a fast food restaurant is pretty much the definition of rock bottom.

Great "lost" sketches (that may not be great, but who knows because they got cut out of the syndicated versions)

Great "lost" sketches (that may not be great, but who knows because they got cut out of the syndicated versions)

Man, the "what about"s and "you forgot"s on this post are going to be epic.

Man, the "what about"s and "you forgot"s on this post are going to be epic.

Cameron.  (Which doesn't actually intersect with Rosemary, to the dismay of lyrical pedants everywhere.)

Cameron.  (Which doesn't actually intersect with Rosemary, to the dismay of lyrical pedants everywhere.)

Kirby's Fourth World.

Kirby's Fourth World.

I know you guys are going to talk art next time, but not a single mention of Tony Moore's name? Or any comment at all on what the art in volume one brings to the table?

I know you guys are going to talk art next time, but not a single mention of Tony Moore's name? Or any comment at all on what the art in volume one brings to the table?

Waitwaitwait, BUNHEADS got (kinda) renewed, and you guys deemed it unworthy of Newswire space?

Waitwaitwait, BUNHEADS got (kinda) renewed, and you guys deemed it unworthy of Newswire space?

Also, fuck True Blood (for the last 3 seasons, anyway).

Also, fuck True Blood (for the last 3 seasons, anyway).

I thought THE CLOSER took an interesting turn over the last season, as Brenda was investigated and raked over the coals for taking some standard cop show extrajudicial measures to make sure a murderer met with gang justice. Basically, she was prosecuted for the crime of being a TV cop, and the show made it pretty

I thought THE CLOSER took an interesting turn over the last season, as Brenda was investigated and raked over the coals for taking some standard cop show extrajudicial measures to make sure a murderer met with gang justice. Basically, she was prosecuted for the crime of being a TV cop, and the show made it pretty