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    Yeah exactly, that scene was Alfred saying "Don't fuck with me or Bruce" not "Please fuck me". Can't believe what I'm reading on here at times, strike a light

    Never dip your wick in crazy Son, never ends well

    "What kind of stupid police station has a main room that opens right to
    the street with no security and just lets anyone from the public walk in
    and not even be given a secong look, peoplw who dont look like cops and
    holding shotguns can just stroll in and shoot everyone?"

    Another solid episode. This season is a massive improvement on the first, although I enjoyed season one more than most. I'm not bothered by Monaghan's demise, I found his mimicking act of greater and superior Jokers to be slightly tiresome. If anything I'd like to see more Penguin, the scene where he was being trolled

    Kill them with fire

    Excellent episode. Bit of a slow burn but the last 15 minutes or so were epic. The fight with the asian maid was tense and dramatic, totally took me by surprise. Martin having to meet his supposed "old chum" was pretty tense too, luckily for him he had a bloodied and beaten face by the time they shook hands. What on

    Glad I'm not the only one, everyone here seems to have a hard on for the guy but he just annoys the hell out of me, he's just a mimic, should have created his own kind of take on Joker

    Awesome episode, for a minute there I really thought they were gonna light up that bus full of cheerleaders. New Improved Evil Barbara is great, whoever thought that would happen… when Bullock turned up armed with his badge and gun I cheered, the scene at the bar with Alfred and Fox was superb, and the mayhem at the

    Great opener, this season looks like it could be really interesting. Theo is suitably repulsive, Freeze's introduction was hilarious and the Arkham scenes were great fun. Even Barbara was interesting! I'm still not entirely convinced by the new Joker, but it was great to see Jim and Penguin interacting again. Great

    This is set in Europe, not America. Eurythmics may have only had one or two big hits in the States in the 80s but in Europe they were absolutely massive and had around 20+ chart "hits" in the UK alone, 9 of which made the top ten

    Loved it, had everything I want from an opening episode. I thought it was set up sublimely and didn't hang around boring us with uneccessary details. The only lame moment was Martin running away and being apprehended in a supermarket. Looking forward to hearing more of the soundtrack as I dive into the rest of the

    Brilliant season finale. From a weak and tepid start this season has grown and just got progressively better with each passing episode. Miller is just awesome, bring on season two!

    That was more like it, excellent episode. Loved them exploring the derelict craft, suitably creepy, the hotel showdown was superb and Miller's entrance into the action just made him the show's MVP. Best character by a mile. Total shock seeing poor Julie in that state. There's still a few minor problems, for a start

    Not great, a Burton heavy episode is never gonna work for me. Can't abide the character, he drags the show down. I thought finally for once we might get to see a cerebral futuristic space opera where there aren't any roided one dimensional goons throwing their weight about and working on all the muscles except the one

    I'm probably in the minority of one but I really loved this episode. Miller's storyline is the strongest element of the show for me, I can't take to Holden's team at all, they're all completely one dimensional and Burton is odious. Everytime it cuts back to them I groan because I know I'm going to have to suffer

    Decent episode, I'm finding I enjoy watching Miller do detective work more than I do any of the space baloney with the world's most one dimensional crew. And what the hell is up with all the huge funky side partings in the future?

    A decent episode that could have been great. It looked splendid, but was let down again by terrible acting. Dominique Tipper is the worst of the bunch. She's aesthetically pleasing but c'mon, she's abysmal and I'm cringing at her acting. The guy playing the pilot isn't much better. There's enough going on to keep me

    Slightly better than the previous episode, but they really need to inject some personality into the characters. It's impossible to care for any of them as they're all so one dimensional. Havelock the perfect example. Why should I care? The guy was a one dimensional personality vacuum, like the rest of the cast. Miller

    The sound mixing on this show is diabolical. When they were speaking through mics in their space helmets I didn't have a clue what was being said, just garbled mumbling rubbish, and like you say the music is too high in the mix for the speech to be crisp and clear

    Enjoyed the first episode but this one was severely lacking. Some of the dialogue and acting was attrocious. The medic having a panic attack was just awful, and nobody seems to have any charisma or personality. Everyone's as cold as space. I'm only two eps in so I'm optimistic they can imrpove on this but I was zoning