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    I really enjoyed these opening two episodes, loved the time period, the music, thought the acting was ok and the characters interesting enough. The dude playing Charlie is a little too handsome for my liking but that's only a small criticism.

    Go and buy The Dark Horse Years DVD immediately, they're all on there.


    I loved this episode, sure there were a few naff moments, there always are, but they're not distracting enough to spoil my enjoyment. I loved how cool Bruce was in his cell, and catching on immediately to St Cloud's fake escape. Alfred in the garbage dump was fun, and it was great to see him team up with Jim, Bullock,

    Awesome episode, the best of the season yet. It had just about everything. Bruce's plan was a thing of beauty, and I hope we get to see Tommy Flanagan again as Tom The Knife, he was incredible. The humour on the show is improving massively too, Penguin calling Riddler at work like some fishwife asking why the toilet

    What a disappointing finale. This seaon went off the boil in the last couple of episodes which is a shame as it was largely excellent for the most part. What disappointed me was them concentrating on this "everyone is about to get nuked unless Martin convinces them it really is a war game" element. I didn't buy it

    Damn fine episode, The Captain sharing his war stories with Jim was excellent, and the fight scenes were decent. The assassin was slightly off, like the lovechild of Hannibal Lecter and Kid Creole, not to mention the first one who looked like Max Headroom after a stroke. Highlight was the Riddler and Penguin scenes,

    I dunno, I've loved the series so far but I found this episode frustrating. Where's the tension in knowing there obviously is not going to be a "strike" from anyone? They played this as if nuclear war is imminent because nobody will believe Martin and several of them seem to have some absurd death wish for nuclear war

    It's a nice day for a white wedding! Great episode, deranged and twisted Barbara is a thing of joy. I hope we get to see more of her this season. Gordon slapping Theo down like the bitch he is was satisfying, and it's always a highlight for me when Alfred and Bruce have some emotional scenes. The episode was also an

    Another solid and entertaining episode, the brothel scenes were a tad ludicrous but enjoyable nontheless. Annett continues to become progressively more dim and odious with each episode, Alexander is such a loose canon I'm sure he'll execute his father before the season is over. Didn't expect Kramer to bite the bullet

    LMFAO at the de-age Barbara idea, now that would be so completely absurd on every level it may actually work. Ah god that would be hilarious

    Awesome episode. Things move way too fast in Gotham but it's all so camp, theatrical and absurd I can't help but love it. It's like gorging on chocolate. You may feel a tad queasy afterwards but it's damn fun when you're indulging yourself.

    Weakest episode yet but still interesting. The fight with the terrorist was excellent. Annett is now completely odious. Martin should have run with Linda when he first suggested it. I'd prefer a life of Duran Duran, fluffy cats and antique fairs than a life with Miss Hammer And Sickle Snitch anyday. Oh and thanks to

    Hell, even Batman And Robin is better than Supergirl

    Sad to see the gorgeous Miss Kringle go, I had hoped she would somehow embrace her inner demon and join Riddler on his insane and evil path but alas it wasn't to be. Her death will surely push Ed over the precipice now. Firefly was ok, the actress isn't entirely convincing imo but it was watchable at least. Nice to

    Meh, it was ok. Nothing special. It had the feel of a Lifetime movie to it if I'm honest, only really elevated by the subject matter and the appearance of Travolta. And those Kardashian namechecks are going to get very old very fast.

    Homophobic? Oh come on, do me a favour. Seems I can't read a damn review anywhere these days without somebody looking for ways to be offended no matter how vague. I didn't see it as homophobic at all, and if Tobias is using his sexuality to lure Alexander into his nefarious plans then what's the difference between him

    I felt the same about Hendrix

    D??? Dude, you obviously don't even like the show, why the hell are you reviewing it? Give it to somebody who at least finds it enjoyable on some level. There's no way on Earth this episode was a D.

    Aww I hope Linda doesn't get hurt too badly in all this, she's so cute and sweet. And I nearly choked on my coffee when I discovered the Doberman's name was Pom Pom.