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    It was ok, as far as pilot episodes go. Lots of room to build on everything going forward. The characters don't seem too bad and the sfx were pretty decent. Some of the dialogue had me cringing though, particularly Holden's "She's gone.. they NUKED her. She's gone!" Oh dear. I'm looking forward optimistically to the

    Late to the party here but just finished watching season one, really enjoyed it, (witches) warts and all hehe. But damn, that finale… I was having flashbacks to Scanners when Anne used her power to explode her mother's head, I couldn't stop laughing and I'm not entirely sure that's the reaction they want from me. And

    I don't agree with the reviewer that Ash thought he was making the right choice in his "deal" with the deadites. Nah, this is purely Ash being Ash, he ALWAYS takes the easy option first, comes to regret it, and then fixes it and redeems himself with his chainsaw and boomstick. Which is what will happen in season 2

    Nice build up here for the finale. The fight scenes in the woods were comedy gold. This show is class

    Colburn, is that you?

    Her brother was shady as fuck. Sorry everyone but that's the impression I got. He even said to a news reporter "the grieving process could take a long time" when she wasn't even presumed dead at that point.

    Two Bruce Campbell's for the price of one, glorious. Chintastic in fact. I love this damn show

    Lem turning into a deadite and using firebreathing to try and destroy Ash was awesome, and I surprised myself by really liking Ash and Amanda's partnering up. Lucy Lawless rising like a phoenix from the ashes was a great moment, and my heart melted a little when Ash thanked his friends and then sneaked away to spare

    Awesome episode, the fight at the diner was the highpoint of the season so far imo. This show is ludicrously good.

    The weakest episode yet but it was still solid and more enjoyable than the majority of other shows on tv at the moment.

    Or look at it another way… the demon is IN that smoke somewhere ;)

    Another superb episode, I loved the trippy sequence, and Kelly turning bad was a delight.

    "This was an average episode".. you forgot to add "in my opinion" at the end of that line Chief. Solid A imo

    Sounds like a lot of yappenin’ and not a lot of happenin’.” That line just floored me. If nothing else in the rest of this season will be memorable I'll remember that line forever. Another sublime episode, I'm just loving this show. The summoning of the demon was hilarious and slightly unnerving in equal measure,

    That was a solid A from me. "Oh god, Mr Roper!" I'm not sure why that line is so damn hilarious but it had me almost doubled over. Pablo is a genius idea, he's a perfect foil for Ash. This episode was just pure Evil Dead, gruesome and side splitting at the same time. Perfect. The dinner table scene was absolute gold,

    This was a fantastic opening episode, Ash and his quips, haunted houses, exploding heads, demonic possessions, crazy neighbours, seedy bar sex, a wooden hand, Lucy Lawless, chainsaws, shootouts, blood crazed dolls, Ash kicking deadite ass, shotguns, the gorgeous Kelly, Pablo and his funky hair… totally GROOVY

    So many women get fridged for Uhtred they should name him Sir Freeze

    He didn't see her, it was the other way around. She saw him when she was being kept in a pig pen as the vikings were looting, watching him sneak into a barn, but she was unable to call out as it would give him away. So he left there assuming she was one of the burned corpses.

    Good to see the series finish on a high. That was a great episode, the battle scenes (finally) were splendid, and Skorpa stole the show again. Damn him though for killing the lovely Iseult. Man, Uhtred never catches a break, ever. Still, one of my wishes came true, and I got to see Odda die. My hate level toward him

    Best episode yet, Skorpa is fascinating and a fantastic character. Pretty obvious he was going to double cross everyone though. And as for the Shadow Queen, oh my. No wonder he forgot about Mildrith so fast…