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    Thanks for the reply cowsharky, these facts interest me greatly, I think I need a trip to the library and read some more about this fascinating period and it's characters. Poor Alfred, must have been absolutle hideous to have those kind of diseases back then, it's bad enough now!

    Thanks for the reply, you certainly know your onions when it comes to this period. Interesting indeed

    Finally the story seems to be progressing after two episodes that had everything going around in circles. Uthred's fight with Ubba was excellent, even though the poor budget has me rolling my eyes at how minute the battles are and how most of them happen off screen. I'm not sure it's worth dramatising books set around

    think you mean "Arseling"

    Serious question here, is this an accurate portrayal of dark age women? Most in this show seem pretty opinionated and sassy, giving menfolk a lot of backchat and attitude. I was always under the impression women of this period were massively repressed

    I really enjoyed the first couple of eps but I've struggled slightly with the last two, particularly this one. That's not to say I thought they were poorly made or anything, and I'm not expecting epic battles every 5 minutes, I'm all for a bit of character building. I just find the the bleakness everyone is in

    Loved the negotiation scene between Alfred and Ubba, quality writing and acting. Shame to see Brida depart but no doubt she'll be back soon, ready to thrust a branch up some poor souls backside.

    I was hoping to find some comment here on what his ailment was thought to be, interesting they're of the opinion he had Crohn's. Watching the show I wondered if it was that, or a mild type of Colitis.

    A really enjoyable episode, and I think I fell in love a little with Brida when she left the sorcerer tied naked to a horse with a twig up his arse. Good to see David Dawson as Alfred, he was class in Ripper Street.

    Jolly good stuff, just the right blend of storytelling and ultra violence. Amazing how in the space of one episode you can go from hating Ragnar's very existence to almost blubbing at his death.

    Just a variation of the finale of The Shield tbh

    I've read a lot of complaints about this finale but I enjoyed it, and thought it was a fitting close to an epic season. It felt like all the surviving characters letting out a collective breath of air. The only minor complaint I had was the supposed idea that Hanzee becomes the fat boss in season 1. That aside, what

    The shootout at the motel was awesome, as was the appearance of the UFO.
    I was also gobsmacked at Hanzee's cold killing of Floyd. This season is a stonewall classic

    iirc he didn't even cut the guy's ears off, he had Hanzee do it. Typical bully

    Dude they've been showing Constance trying to seduce Peggy and lure her away from Ed since the first episode, I mean c'mon fella

    "keep her way from me, she's crazy" absolute gold

    Incredible episode. The scenes with the Blumquists holding Dodd captive were the best of the season for me. Hilarious and unnerving in equal measure. As much as he terrifies me, I really felt for Hanzee in the bar scene, and it was hugely satisfying to see him take down those jerks with ease. And how batshit is Peggy

    A more muted episode than the recent ones, setting things up for the final stretch. I'm not convinced Bear went through with his plan to execute Simone. He seems to be the only senior Gerhardt with a concience, and we didn't see a body. I have a feeling Simone will reappear and put Dodd in the ground. She is after all

    Nick Offerman was just imperious in this episode, a sublime performance.
    The whole episode was magnificent, but I've come to expect nothing less
    from this incredible show.

    Incredible episode, the shootout was just brutal. Bulo's head in a box! Ed going postal in the butcher shop. Bruce Campbell just amazing as Reagan. Damn, this is just stellar tv.