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    If Hanzee is indeed based on your Pop, you are without doubt the coolest Mofo on this entire website

    Oh man, poor old Ed, he's a dead man walking and I'm not even sure his wife would care either way the wind blows. The garage scene with the native american intimidating the young mechanic was exceptional, as was his reminiscing about being a tunnel rat in 'Nam. He's the scariest character in the whole show for me,

    "You make us sound like a Prog Rock band. Mike Milligan and The Kitchen Brothers" damn what a line lol :D

    So now even her boss knows she's Supergirl? How many is that now, about 5 or 6 people? Ridiculous.

    Another stellar episode. The scene with Danson and the three Kansas mobsters was chilling, and not just because of the snow! That scene was so tense, with so many threatening undercurrents. I was certain Danson was going to get shot at one point.

    Awesome episode, so good to have this fantastic show back. Hilarious that in the middle of the diner carnage we get to see a UFO. I was so gobsmacked I had to rewind that part to make sure I hadn't imagined it. A UFO for pete's sake! It's design and movement was a lovely nod to Close Encounters.

    Not as great as the previous episode but it still rocked. I thought the shots of Powers Boothe stumbling across the dismembered remains of Lash's fury was suitably creepy, Mack and Daisy as a team are probably my favourite part of the whole show now, the planet scenes were a little laboured but it was both shocking

    This is a show that has a director with a robotic hand and a flying car, agents who can manipulate metal and electricity, one who has earthquake powers, one turns into a blue dreadlocked monster and one disappeared for half a year on a planet in another galaxy and came back. And you think it's ridiculous because the

    C+? Damn, the reviewer has totally lost the plot. I think you need to quit the show and move onto something that lives up to your ridiculously high expectations, sounds to me like you're expecting a 60 minute Winter Soldier every week. This episode was arguably the best of the whole season so far, for a tv show it was

    Awesome episode, gripping from start to finish. This season is just brilliant tv. Powers
    Boothe's speech was totally fascinating, he brings such epic acting chops to the show I hope he's around for quite a while yet. Bobbi's fight scene was excellent, not to mention Ward turning the evil amp up to 11, first with

    grumpy they may have been but I bet they were colorful

    Amen bro, perfect post

    what is it with this reviewer and fucking colors

    C+?? You're having a laugh! I notice you're back to complaining about the bland style and aesthetics of the show in the first paragraph. Let it lie already, sigh.
    I enjoyed this episode, although the early scene of May laughing on the beach was as alien and unsettling to me as any inhuman! The actor playing Andrew

    Can't believe people are whining about this episode, it was superb and had everything you'd want from AoS. The Thatcher scene was priceless, Hunter's quips, Andrew's reveal was expertly shot for a tv show, May and Bobbi fighting, Powers Boothe ffs! Loving this season

    Awesome episode, Henstridge nailed it.

    Bruce Willis was dead all along

    I'm loving the one liners in this show. "It stinks of bananas!", "May, you took your bloody time", "Do you really have a laser finger?"

    Haha true, he looks like Sonic The Hedegehog on steroids

    Dude looked like he was auditioning for Trainspotting 2