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    Daisy… BORING?? How dare you. It was great to see May kick ass again, and Simmons nailed those emotionally damaged scenes. The way she wept at the wine glass almost had me blubbing and I'm a gnarly old goat. I'm loving Mack and Daisy's pairing, and Coulson's struggles with this new uber-bitch is providing some

    Totally, his screaming episode "do somethinggggg!!!!" was terrible

    Awesome episode, this show just gets better and better as time goes by. Some of the one liners floored me this week, "Robot hand on one side and Amazon Woman on the other", "May, smile for once in your life" and "To the plane!!!" lol, brilliant.

    Damn, this show is just hitting it's stride like a mofo. This episode was superb, I can't for the life of me figure out why people are constantly disappointed with this. Spoilt probably. They should try growing up in the 70s when the best we could hope for was the laughable Hulk series or Six Million Dollar Man, with

    Brain freeze moment. Ok make that 5 seasons then… that's still pretty lame and slow in development terms

    lol I noticed her glorious hair too, this show man

    Morgan needs to go completely all out next episode and just walk around in a nappy and sandals spouting claptrap about "if everyone took an eye for an eye yadda yadda"

    Sigh. What a weak ass episode to end the first half of the season on. The ammount of bad decisions and incredibly stupid actions was staggering. Is everyone on this show cerebrally challenged? I mean why did Maggie start climbing that ladder at a snail's pace? I'm sorry but if you had a mob of walkers snapping at your

    This season started strongly but has now tailed off into boring clichés and annoying events/characters. It's becoming a chore to sit through. Glenn's miraculous survival is just lame. I like Glenn as a character but nobody in this environment should be fireproof. One of the core group needs to die or they may as well

    Hmm, a so so episode. Had it's moments and anything centred around Daryl is fine by me but it wasn't exactly an exhilerating hour of television. The three dorks Daryl ran into weren't remotely memorable and the way they betrayed him was just nasty, I hope he gets to put an arrow in their sorry asses. The way the

    D+ That was an abysmal episode. This show can be a lot of fun, but when it's bad it's really bad, and this ep had a lot of bad going down. That damn robot was hilariously bad. As was the line "Kara! It's gone sentient!".. horrendous dialogue… tedious cutesy unrequited love stories going around in circles.. more

    Not even Ron is Dome bad. No hang on, yes, yes he is

    One of the most tedious and pointless episodes I've seen. But everyone here has a hard on for Morgan for some reason

    I didn't find this episode as much of a chore as everyone else seemingly did but I conceed it wasn't exactly gripping drama. The zombies in the sewer scenes were pretty good and it was great to see Deanna go postal on Lurch Zombie. The trouble with TWD is when it's bad it's really bad. The scenes between Carl and Ron

    This episode didn't work for me at all. Morgan wasn't the only one "zoning out" during it. It just wasn't really necessary or captivating enough. Also, the whole idea of Morgan's turnaround from cold killer to some kind of Zen master was handled badly. Apart from the fact this "Art Of Peace" philosophy is absolutely

    This was an exceptional episode, very tense and brutal. The best episode of the season so far. I wasn't fussed on the opening episode, the zombie herd march was too fantastical and ludicrous for me to invest in, the second episode where Alexandria is attacked by Wolves was much better and this was even better still.

    Wouldn't you miss the "leaning forwards" he does when he's making a point?

    Well we've got Wolves in the show, maybe Enid is half goat

    Good episode, I always enjoy the more action packed eps rather than the soul searching ones where everyone sits around gassing and boring me to tears. There were some hugely annoying scenes tho. Morgan letting Wolves go? Seriously? C'mon, you'd have to be a raving lunatic this far in to the zombie apocalypse to think

    Good to have TWD back but that episode was just utterly ludicrous. They thought herding thousands of zombies through country roads was a good plan? Seriously? That's the worst plan since Lucas woke one night and shouted "Eureka! That's what these prequels need, Jar Jar Binks!"