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    This show is so damn frustrating, and this episode is the perfect example. There's a lot to like here, the action sequences were pretty good (for tv anyway), Benoist is great as Supergirl and Hank is a fascinating character, but all the good comes crashing down when they tackle the romance in the show. Kara fluttering

    The only way her sister is going to bust out a smile is if she spends too long trying to hold in a fart

    Best episode yet imo. I loved it. It was like going back in time for an hour to the 80s when I would rent out a vhs of some cheesy but fun sci-fi b-movie with crazy villains made of electricity and suchlike… Cat was mildly interesting which is a start, and I prefer this show when it just goes for full on silliness and

    A mediocre episode. Some of it worked pretty well, the fight scenes were decent and the messages between Kara and Clark was a nice way to end the episode but oh dear, sadly there's a lot of bad going on. The dialogue is attrocious, Flockhart's character is dragging the show down and the more episodes I'm seeing the

    Yeah I agree, Flockhart's character is dragging the show down for me. Is this what modern women find amusing, complete bitches?

    I demand a Thanksgiving episode where they head home for the holidays and Kara cooks the turkey using her laser eyes

    Ain't nothing wizened about that botoxed face

    Wasn't as strong as the pilot imo but still hugely enjoyable. Some of the sfx were a bit ropey and Flockhart's endless quips are grating on me after only two episodes, but the rest is great fun.

    I really enjoyed it, more than I expected to. It was good fun. Benoist was excellent and convincing, and the supporting cast were good. I only had two small gripes, the story moved along at lightning pace, I'm not sure whether this is another example of the ADD generation they're pandering to but I felt it could have

    How on earth did Karen manage to stay undetected in the police force for years? Why weren't other synths asking her "why don't you share?"

    Dreadful finale, really lame. I couldn't believe it. Those saccharine scenes of the "family" of synths being reunited, hugging trees in their dreams and spreading the love around was tedious. This series started really strongly, the first half was excellent drama, but since Niska broke for freedom from the brothel

    I found this another average episode, sadly for me at least the series started brilliantly but has been losing quality over the past few episodes. The scene where Karen shot George for example was dreadful. A shot to the stomach is the most painful you can have, the only time I've ever truly seen it depicted well is

    I found this episode pretty weak. It had some decent moments like Fred's escape and Leo and Max finally freeing Anita's inner "Mia", but the backstory of the synths was handled poorly. You're telling me that when young Leo died his father recovered his childhood memories from his organic brain and transfererred them

    I'm enjoying the series but 3 episodes in and it is starting to feel like something we've all seen before. Let's be honest, it's borrowed heavily from Blade Runner, at least in characterisations if not storylines. Niska is basically Pris the twisted & lethal sex model, Leo is Roy the team leader and seeker, Max is

    Good episode but not as enthralling as the pilot. I liked the touches of humour, with Eva being rebranded "Tugboat" by George, and Toby's attempts to cop a free feel were hilarious, particularly his forlone parting whine "why did they have to make you so fit?", the school synth wandering around with a bag over it's

    Excellent opening episode, drew me in right away and it never sagged or outstayed it's welcome. Aesthetically it has a Utopia vibe, and it was great to see Neil Maskell appear here, albeit as a completely different character to the one he played in Utopia.

    It was a nod to the original Dawn Of The Dead, where the same fate happens to a walker

    A decent finale, the best episode of the season without doubt, but it still falls short somewhat. The positives first - It was good to finally see Travis "hulk out", after a season of blind optimism and bad decisions G.I. Joe paid for it by getting his face pumelled in. Poor soul. All this only hours after being

    Tune in to season 2 for "deranged evangelist", "kindly Grampa figure" and "The fat one who is always hungry"

    Another average episode. Travis is taking longer to emerge from his "Everything is going to be ok and I'll be back teaching and polishing the Beamer within the month" stupor than it takes Axl Rose to come up with new songs. I did enjoy his road trip with the grunts, although the show scrimped on the dollars again by