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    Awesome rant

    Average episode. It had a few good moments, Madison walking around outside the fence and stumbling into the military looking all creepy with gas masks and guns was tense, slapping her junkie son all over the room was strangely satisfying and Travis seeing gunfire lighting up the distant building (the "hospital"?) was

    Lori was the bitch

    After a slow start to the season I thought this episode was really good and picked up the pace nicely. It's forever going to be hugely annoying that some characters do stupid things but they're still doing them 5 seasons in on TWD, so I'm not holding my breath that it won't keep happening here.

    Episode grade D+, Season grade D

    Happy Birthday is back in the public domain now

    Yeah I'm with you on this one. If that's their reasoning then they may as well have set this and TWD on another planet tbh. Or the Marvel Universe. Ridiculous.

    This episode was average at best. The core characters of Madison, Travis and Junkie Nick are good, but there's a few already slipping into "Andrea" mode and becoming annoying. The daughter Alicia being one of them. "But I love him" yawn. Ok fair enough her parents didn't explain there was some kind of demented virus

    Abysmal episode, thank heavens there's only one left. It's so bad at this point I can't even fathom the parts people seem to enjoy despite everything. Angela Bassett for example. She's making me cringe everytime she appears, chewing through the script like a goat chowing down on a turnip. Even Lange who was the

    Yep me too. In fact the line "see a penny pick it up all day long you'll have good luck" popped into my head immediately… not that I know Grease verbatim *cough*

    She seemed to enjoy bossing around and busting hubby's balls for the majority of the episode which also made her insufferable

    Me too, kid looks totally the type who owns a "How to survive a zombie apocalypse" book and is already tooled up before the outbreak

    Decent pilot, nothing special but adequate. I particularly liked the dynamics between the cast, and although the junkie son Nick initially had me cringing I was won over by the actor's performance, particularly the cafe scene with his dealer and the aftermath of what he perceives as his "murder" of said dealer. The

    Awful, awful episode. I was throwing herbs randomly into a pot and chanting at it in the vain hope I may cast some spell to make it end sooner than it did. Because it felt like it was on for about 3 hours, such was the tedium. I'll hang in there for the final two eps because I've come too far now to quit but damn,

    I thought this finale was excellent. Slightly odd, but excellent. Anything involving The Swede is going to be bizarre, so I was cool with Bohannon's shotgun wedding, I found his predicament hilarious. It was a strange episode though for sure, the most ridiculous and unwelcome part being when Durant was annoyed by the

    Really? I thought her voice was completely shot. Grim

    I thought this episode was decidedly average. Sure, the Stevie Nicks scenes were cute, but this season is just a big heap of MEH.

    Each episode is worse than the previous one, for me at least. I rated this one a D. I don't like or care about any of the characters, I can't fathom what the meaning of any of it is, the younger cast are just terrible and belong in a soap opera and there is zero suspense in everything that happens because they all

    This season is a complete mess, I'm struggling to finish it. This episode was bad in every conceivable way. Plus I sense the reviewer just wants to admit this too but is scared of admitting defeat. I enjoyed the first season, season two was hugely entertaining but this is just a disaster.

    Hugely enjoyable double header to kick off season three. The opening with Bohannan struggling to survive in the snow was just majestic. Then the firing up of the train, awesome! Elam is still hugely unlikeable, largely due to how poorly Common is as an actor, but hopefully that will improve.