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    They could do something quite special. Like retire

    A desperately poor episode. The scenes with The Axeman harrassing Cordelia were embarrassingly bad. It's impossible to emotionally invest in any of the characters because anyone can return from death at any time. This completely removes any sense of angst or forebording. Angela Bassett is just not doing it for me,

    I'm finding this season rather MEH. I found the chainsaw scene particularly grating. If it wasn't bad enough they used the tired old "zombies" trope they then threw in every naff horror cliche imaginable. Oh look someone's tripped over while being chased. Oh look her chainsaw has cut out right at the crucial moment.

    I was disappointed with this episode, Frances Conroy's acting didn't help, I was cringing at her scenes. And zombies? Isn't the media saturated enough with them? Yawn.

    I'll raise you a Junior's mother's "art work"

    My fav Dome moment was Junior getting knocked out cold by butterflies, you don't get that on Hannibal

    Tbh he carried the show in season 3

    "Hey Dad!" Just kill me now, that line is beyond the pale, even for Dome

    Barbie: "I just abandoned my NEWBORN". Who even talks like that, ever?

    Hmm, wasn't great but it kinda dragged me in and I'll stick with it. It's better than Under The Dome anyway. But then what isn't?

    Yeah it was hideous and always looked like it needed a good wash

    The season started badly and picked up considerably in the middle but this finale was poor. The shots of Vince Vaugn talking to the ghosts of his past was just embarrasing, I couldn't believe they actually thought that was a good idea. And the line "You can't act"?? Oh dear, unfortunate.

    Best episode of the season yet, things are actually happening, shock horror. Paul's underground shoot-out was really tense. Jordan is definately a two-faced bitch. Even Vaughn was decent and amazingly I found myself rooting for Frank in this episode. The Mayor is the now the most ridiculous character on the show, the

    McAdams has too much of a resting bitch face going on to be sexy, at least for me anyway. I agree about Farrell tho, he's single handedly saving the season

    Season 2 of The Wire is a bona fide masterpiece. On first viewing it throws you off kilter but it's not long before you bed in and realise you're experiencing something masterful. This series of TD is more on a par with season 5 of The Wire, disappointing

    Decent episode, and for once Vaughn isn't given utterly ridiculous things to say.

    Yes agreed, Vaughn is just out of his depth here

    Lord knows I'm trying but I'm finding it hard to get invested in any of this. Possibly Farrell's character because Farrell is excellent whenever he's onscreen and owns the show. Or maybe it's because everyone else seems so poor/miscast to me. I dunno. It's ok but it's not great. It doesn't help when we get Vaughn

    Oh and McAdams' resting bitch face is getting old

    I agree, and that's it's biggest crime, it's boring