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    Or conversely more people would be tuning out in boredom if not for belief that season one may shine through

    That "warp drive" line man, sooo bad

    Ludicrous but fun gun fight aside, this season is just getting worse with each episode. Vaughn's "warp drive" line was utterly cringe and so bad even my cat LOL'd. This show is just turning into a soap opera, and it's frankly, BORING. Oh, she's banging co-workers and getting dragged over the coals because she's a

    Better than episode two but not by much. Vaughn is just atrocious, and his tooth-pulling fight was just abysmal. This season feels like a chore.

    I forgave episode one for being slow in getting to the point, I don't mind some character building and letting the audience get to know who these people are, so that was fine, but this episode was just tedious, save for the last 30 seconds. Just a lot of exposition and moody shots of angst ridden people gazing out of

    Yeah well said, I kinda found that line rather pathetic really. He was basically doing the exact thing he was accusing the young bully of doing, except he's a middle aged man with a job of authority and responsibility. He's meant to be pathetic and that line confirms it. But everyone's all "hell yeah that line was

    when he shouted "JULIA!" while down there they could have at least given us an echo, for the lols

    Dome! Dome! My kinship for a Dome!

    So meat is off the menu. Ah well, 3 seasons is ample, there's only so much whiny Will Graham one can stomach. Shame season 3 concentrated more on the aesthetic than cerebral but it was still an enjoyable ride despite it's flaws. Adios.

    Peterson was a better Graham. Nowhere near as whiny

    I don't agree. In the novel and in Manhunter you could tell almost immediately that Lounds was a complete dick and a slimeball who would sell his own grandmother for a story. The beauty of those interpretations was they didn't need copious ammounts of time to convey his odious personality, it was there from the off.

    Pathetically they said it was via "social media"

    The decision to have Chilton suffer the Dragon's wrath instead of Lounds was lame and cowardly from Fuller. I was interested to see how far he was willing to push Lounds' death visually, this being tv, and instead he completely wimps out. The whole reason Dollarhyde chooses Lounds in the original novel, is because

    I found this episode lacking. I know it's unfashionable to criticise this show but it was a poor telling of the Red Dragon story imo. One of the most affective parts of the novel and Manhunter for me was the fact Dollarhyde chose his victims by developing their family snapshots, it was a highly intimate and dreadfully


    Finally we're onto the Red Dragon and not before time. Noonan will always be Dollarhyde to me, but this dude was more than satisfactory.

    So Hannibal surrenders in this universe? For what? Love for Will? So he can be nearer to him in his cage? Meh. Preferred the book myself. Mason choking on some not so jellied Eel was great, and the use of Hannibal's memory palace disguising his cell a nice touch, but I'm glad this part of the story has finished. The

    dat hair

    He's just copying Gary Oldman, guy should sue it's so blatant

    That pretentious arty sex scene was hugely naff and embarrassing, I expect better from this show.