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    It was good to see Alana back, albeit damaged both physically and mentally and looking for the most terrible revenge. I prefer this version of Alana to the previous one, where she played the world's most unintuitive and oblivious psychologist in America. It was also good to see Margot again, purely for aesthetic

    Will's always dragged the show down imo. His imprisonment scenes in season two were torture

    Interesting and well made episode, even if it is absolutely ludicrous.
    I'm enjoying the series but I wish they'd just turn the arty wank-fest down a tad, at this point it's cranked up to 11. Every single character seemingly finds it impossible to say an ordinary sentence. It was never this bad in the first two

    I've always been of the belief that serial killers will never be understood, they're almost like a different species. They're not your "garden variety" psycho/sociopath imo :)

    Haha yes, Lecter trolls Will with the story of 30 worshippers have a roof fall on them in Texas. But that happens when Lecter is behind bars in the book

    "It's just not realistic for a psychopath to want to connect with others or have companions"… rare but not unrealistic. British serial killer Ian Brady had a companion in Myra Hindley, and him actively seeking a third companion was what led to his capture.

    A weaker episode than the opener but it still had it's moments. It was good to be introduced to Pazzi, and the "valentine" gift turning into the return of our old friend FrankenDeer was brilliantly realised. That scene could have been laughable but they nailed it. The abstract side of the show seems to be dominating

    Don't knock it, If this was the 70s Hannibal would be walking around in a fake Groucho Marx moustache

    I really enjoy the show but I agree the "nobody ever talks normally" part can be grating. It also embraces that weird 80s/90s phenomenon where EVERY serial killer is an artistic extrovert who insist on making their kills as elaborate as possible. But I gradually accepted that this was the angle they were going for and

    Just catching up with the show and yes this opener is aesthetically stunning. It sets up the season slowly but assuredly and that's no bad thing. I'm most confused with Badelia though, surely even professional curiosity wouldn't lead you into the absolutely insane situation of going on the run and co-habiting with a

    Awesome finale, really exceeded my expectations. So much win. Skye
    kicking ass, Mack wielding an axe, May being her usual badass self, Ward
    & 33 cranking up the nasty, Bobbie saving Hunter, Coulson's arm!
    Trapping Gordon, Cal's quips and his happy ending, Fitz and Simmons,
    DAMN this was epic.

    Damn, this show is now so awful and absurd it's starting to troll itself. The conversation between Julia and Barbie about how they got together was basically the writers confirming they're aware of how utterly ridiculous the whole thing is. They may as well have had signs flashing "YES THIS IS TRIPE BUT WE'RE HERE,

    This bugs me too. In this episode especially, Lance is chatting to Oliver on a rooftop, Oliver is not even trying to shield his face even slightly, all he's doing is looking Lance square in the eye disguised only by that small eye mask and some guyliner. I mean c'mon, even Stevie Wonder would have worked out Oliver is

    Excellent episode after that gawd awful court room / Vertigo one. The
    fight where Oliver got owned by the super soldier was awesome

    Very late to to the party here for various reasons, but I'm finally catching up with season 2 of Arrow and as much as I've enjoyed it for what it is, high camp cheese with a dark underbelly, this episode was just rank. Count Vertigo is just abysmal, and belongs in the 60s Batman series. Laurel is the most tedious

    Where the hell is quality control on this show's production? It's like the financers just said "here's a cheque, write and film anything you think of regardless of how awful or ridiculous it is"… I'm not even sure if I find that admirable or not.

    B? Are you kidding me?

    "We're fugitives from the dome!"

    Felicity Felicity, you fill me with electricity <3

    I thought this finale was damn near perfect. Matt & Foggy patching things up, Fisk's escape attempt, Owlsley mouthing off, Matt suiting up, his brutal take down of Fisk. Awesome. This first season has been immensley enjoyable, can't wait for season 2.