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    It's getting tedious now, there's so much to discuss in this amazing show and what we're mostly getting is bitching because the women of the show are not burning their bra's

    I enjoyed this episode, only two things really bugged me. The first was when Matt infiltrates Madame Gao's heroin lab, and he is surrounded and captured by the workers, around 50 of them. In the next shot they're back at work and he's in a different part of the lab confronting Gao. Uh? What happened there?

    I thought exactly the same. I thought Wesley was going to reveal to Karen that he wanted Fisk gone as well, and they should hatch a cunning plan together to take him down. Then BOOM he's dead.

    Detest Leland Owsley? You're joking. The guy's tv gold.

    Besides, Matt would probably not have got as close emotionally to Foggy as he has if he'd suspected Foggy wanted to bang him. He'd have "sensed" Foggy getting wood, amirite?

    Agreed, I didn't feel that vibe at all

    Seems that coconut tree did more damage than first expected.

    Damn, Sherif Linda and the police department seem like years ago now. Oh wait, it was

    More batshit shennanigans under that fat old dome.

    Or compliants about the lack of strong female characters, yadda yadda

    Scott Glenn was just amazing as Stick in this episode. Everything about the episode was just first class.

    Another quality episode. I really enjoyed the scenes between Foggy and
    Karen, and Fisk is just the best thing about the show atm.

    Awesome episode, Rosario is just wonderful, and Kingpin exudes menace. That beating at the end of the episode was brutal.

    Another quality episode. I liked the moral ambiguity and choices it
    throws in the air, you're never quite sure which way anyone's gonna

    Amazing episode, just brilliant television. Everything about it worked.
    Rosario Dawson is a great addition to the cast. Aside from her obvious
    acting talents she's also ridiculously gorgeous which doesn't hurt. And
    that fight scene, damn, any other show would have that as the series
    finale, not in episode two.

    I want the UTD game dammit. I wanna be under the dome suffering batshit crazy scenarios

    This week's episode wasn't as psychotically insane as the previous ones from this season but it still had it's batshit moments.

    Damn, where do I even begin? Almost every agonizing scene from this episode was toe-curlingly bad. I'll just throw a few out there, if I give anymore thought to it I'll probably have a prolapse or implode or something.

    "I told him that woman was trouble"

    The guns didn't both jam, Oswald said later that he'd taken the firing pins out of them.