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    she's only employed to show off those legs, let's be realistic

    "Even good men have secrets"

    "Oswald, I am not some bumpkin from the country with hay in my brains"

    "I Feel Love" started everything and is Moroder's absolute stonewall masterpiece, not "Love To Love You Baby". Oh dear.

    This trailer really dishes out the sugar. Oh yeah baby.

    Looks great, bring it on I say. The only thing I didn't like was Lex and that naff "the red capes are coming" line

    Oh dear Lord not more sand snakes please

    Moby Dick proportions :(

    "I'll probably find him in a shooting gallery, off his maracas"

    That voodoo doll from Trilogy Of Terror needs to be a guest villain in season 2, please

    Maybe Nygma will marry Kringle and their child will become Riddler. Or Kriddler..

    It was in the Yellow Pages as "Super Evil Gangster Farm House"

    "You're lucky I have a soft spot for old ladies"

    You're a cold blooded lethal wardog is what you are"

    Answers from these writer's would be too painful. It needs to go on indefinately and outlive us all

    I'm calling it now, they all die and Big Jim becomes a lumberjack in the finale

    "brushed him rudely", what a fantastic expression. I'm going to attempt to use it in polite society

    They're nothing without Rebecca Pine and her "science"

    Word. And then the next generation remake it Battlestar Galactica stylee

    Get real. She looks like Roger from American Dad.