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    Awesome review. I must admit I kind of hate-watch Dome. View it as a comedy and it's brilliant. Take it seriously as art and you'll want to commit suicide.

    "Hello Master Bruce, you took your time. Stopped off for a pie and a pint did ya?"

    "Get your hand out of that corpse, NOW!"

    Excellent and rewarding finale. Like most viewers, I'd worked out Chandler was The Wolfman way back in the opening episodes, but it was still a fantastic moment watching him transform. Kinnear again was just stellar, as was Dalton. His line "I've already got a daughter" was epic.

    "Steady Master Bruce, looks like she's got the mange"

    Incredible episode, on a par with "Closer Than Sisters", which again
    centred around Eva Green doing her thing. Her performance in both
    episodes is just stunning. Hartnett was quite exceptional here too,
    though I'm oblivious as to how he managed to exorcise the demon with his
    Italian mantra at the end?

    "No Mom, I'm not gonna wear my rubbers on the case"

    Another sublime episode. I still cannot fathom Dorian's endgame, is he seeking an eternal partner, as is The Creature? The ship scenes were excellent, very creepy, foreboarding and the fight was well executed and very tense. The closing scene of Eva Green hovering in mid air and spinning in front of Malcolm was

    "Do you know what hubris is? It's when limping little chiken-butt second bananas think they're hot stuff"

    That was possibly one of the greatest hours of television I've seen, at
    least in terms of acting and storytelling. It was high, high quality. It
    was supremely creepy, and Eva Green was just phenomenal.

    "Look mate it's just a scratch, shove off will ya?"

    It wasn't that obvious Eva.. maybe Dorian taking him to some disgusting rat baiting show beforehand was a slight curveball… strangest foreplay I've ever seen

    Awesome episode, the theatre scenes were enormous fun and it was great
    to see The Creature working the props and having a ball with Vincent
    Brand. The show itself was a lot of fun, and I warmed a little to
    Piper's character as she was mesmerised by the show. David Warner as Van Helsing is all kinds of awesome! Dorian

    "And you can mind your manners as well, you cheeky little minx!"

    Excellent episode. Rory Kinnear was just sublime as the tortured first "son". Both menacing and tragic. In fact the whole cast are playing their A game here.
    I loved how one of the story arcs is edging towards Bride Of Frankenstein, and the theatre scenes gave off a weird Phantom Of The Opera vibe. The wolves in the

    "What's with the warrior baloney?"

    I wanted Tom to play Joker in the Suicide Squad movie. But then I realised that would just be Fool Hardy

    "Honk Honk!" "There's nothing more dangerous than an honest man"

    Every season of GoT I always know something is going to come along
    that just sickens me, whether it's the prolonged mass rape scenes at
    Craster's Keep, Viserys' golden crown death or Jamie's sexual assault of
    his sister next to their son's dead body to name a few, but Stannis'
    burning of his daughter tops them all for

    Just WOW. The best episode of the entire show's run so far. The
    battle at Hardhome was just jaw-dropping, absolutely incredible
    television. The stunned silence of Snow and his merry band of crows and
    wildlings as the episode faded to black with just the sound of the waves
    was phenomenal, and was also my reaction.