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    "He bumrushed me wearing animal horns!"

    Interesting second episode, the writing and acting on this show is just
    top notch. The closing scene with Victor and poor Proteus was amazing.
    This episode wasn't without it's faults though, the incessant use of the
    C word during the seance stank of "look how edgy we are" and was
    tiresome, and I wish they'd cast

    What a fantastic opening episode. So nice to see these stories treated
    respectfully but with a fresh slant, and the writing and acting is
    impeccable. I had my misgivings about Hartnell but he's perfect here,
    and Eva Green and Dalton are always first class. Treadaway is supremely
    creepy as Victor, and I'm looking

    "What's altruism?"

    "Was I in it?"

    "Shiver me timbers!"

    "OI Get down from that bloody roof, how many times do I have to tell ya"

    A solid 7/10. which has been my rating for most of the eps so far in
    season 5. I'm hoping the final 3 eps will really up the ante, and it
    looks like they will, what with Tyrion now with Dany and Cersei thrown
    into the dungeon. And what a sweet moment that was.

    Fine episode, with a few small missteps. The fight between Bronn,
    Jaimie and the Sand Snakes was frankly, pathetic, for GoT standards.
    Ramsay is arguably the best villain on tv in years, he's just utterly
    despicable, and his treatment of Stansa was appalling. Surely karma is
    approaching him at an alarming rate.

    Awesome episode, sheer brilliance. Coulson owning Gonzales was just
    all kinds of epic. Skye's badass scene was possibly my favourite action scene of the entire show so far, I couldn't have forseen that (maybe Raina could) in season one. It was certainly up there with May fighting her lookalike a few eps back.

    Top notch episode. Stannis The Mannis' speech to his daughter was really
    touching and I admit I didn't see that coming, ever. Great fight
    scenes, and a lot of scenes that make me wonder if certain decisions are
    going to come back to bite people. Jon Snow resisting Melisandre's
    seduction (he must have a will of iron)

    yep, makes me cringe everytime she appears

    A half decent episode. The eps heavy on 2015 seem to work better for
    me than all that nihilistic greyness of the future scenes, and I enjoyed
    Cassie linking up with Jones, finding young Cole and all that involved.
    But again they had to undo all the good work by having that
    ridiculously lame ending, where yet another

    Another solid episode, with a lot of worrying portents that I hope
    I'm getting wrong. I really don't want May to jump sides, I hope she's
    playing a game here and remains loyal to Coulson or at the very least is
    sitting on the fence until all the facts are revealed. May is my
    favourite member of Coulson's S.H.I.E.L.D.

    Good episode, it's hitting it's stride now. Tyrion and Lord Varys are
    all kinds of awesome. "Where are you going? "I need to speak to
    somebody with hair" haha, brilliant. Arya washing corpses creeped me out
    this week, but not as much as the body twitching under the sheet at
    Doctor Blatant Creep's lab.

    So Ramse spends almost ten years in a Tokyo prison then a few with
    Olivia and yet he hasn't aged a day. Whatever they're serving up at chow
    down time in that hole, I want me some. Nor has he mentioned how much
    he's missing his son, who he was so devoted to after knowing him for
    about 3 minutes that he decided 7

    Awesome episode. The Cavalry story, Skye breaking open the chardonnay
    with Moms and Pops, Raina's reveal, Fitz about to form the Fun Boy Three
    with Hunter and Coulson… epicness.

    Another slow burning episode, but I don't fret, GoT always takes a
    little while to really get going, and when it does it's like Mount
    Suvius erupting. Dany is starting to really annoy me this series, I'm
    noticing the birth pains of a future Dictator.. The Jon Snow scenes were
    great, Sam is one of the best characters

    Oh dear. There was so much bad in this episode I yearned for my own
    time machine so I could jump to the day after I watch the final episode
    and put it all behind me. The Daughters, featuring Wacky Jen and her
    Frisbee Hat was the most cringetastic plot development I've seen since,
    well, all of The Strain. Ramse turns

    I could watch a whole episode of just Coulson and Hunter, they're a
    match made in heaven. Skye's visit to Neverland was a bit yawnsome, save
    for her showdown with Raina, but Coulson's escape plan was brilliant
    and the return of Deathlok worked really well. Gonzales is really
    starting to irritate me now, as much as I